Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A couple of days ago Philip says "I want you to become one of those crazy coupon ladies".  In amusement I listened to his "master coupon plan".  He says "we need to make some sort of organizing system & break it up by categories." Hahaha I love my husband. I am not sure what makes organizing coupons "crazy". I think he secretly wants to be an extreme couponer & that is what he means.
If this is all it takes to make him happy...I think I am pretty safe. 
We were supposed to have a lunch date with Donna & Malcom today but Donna wasn't feeling well so they had to cancel. Instead we made our weekly Target run & Addison's favorite cashier checked us out.  You know you spend way to much time (and money) at Target when the cashier knows you & your daughter's name. I bought a few things to help entice Addison with tummy time & stuff to make my coupon book :) It was actually a pretty lazy day. 
A little Macbook iPhoto fun
She seemed to like her new toy & she lasted about 15 minutes. Baby steps


  1. Ha, I'm totally a nutty couponer too! I carry my binder everywhere I go, but hey it saves me hundreds of dollars a month!

    P.S. Your baby is too cute for words. Seriously.

  2. thanks Nikki.

    Jen I was so excited yesterday because I saved $3.00 on charmin toilet paper because I had a $1.50 off coupon & it was on sale. lol, the things that excite me these days. your kids are adorable too. for sure the BEST halloween costumes EVER & the onion post about zoe is too much!!
