Sunday, September 30, 2012

ER visit

We spent the afternoon in the children's ER yesterday.  I had taken Addison to her pediatrician Friday because I noticed she had a few hives on her trunk & on her face & around one of her ankles.  Her Dr. said it was a reaction to the amoxicillin she'd been taking for 9 days for her ear infection.  She instructed me to discontinue to the medicine & said the hives may take a few days to subside.  I felt comfortable with that & we went about our normal day.  Friday evening she was exceptionally cuddly & quiet (if you read my blog frequently, you know the 2nd part is not my child).  Saturday morning she woke up & now the typical hives presentation had turned into giant clusters with a purple like appearance.  Her poor little fingers were swollen, her elbows looked like somebody had beaten her up & the worst part was that her feet were EXTREMELY swollen.  Again, I tried not to worry & figured it was just remnants of the antibiotic in her system.  Throughout the morning her feet started turning purple, she couldn't walk & acted like she was in a lot of pain.  Her skin was super hot & she now had a fever.  I contacted one of the ER physicians I work with, texted him a picture.  He said to dose her with some benadryl & Motrin, which I had already done.  A few minutes later I got a phone call back & he suggested calling her pediatrician's office, because he didn't like the looks of the pictures I sent.  After talking with the nurse she suggested bringing Addison to the ER.

She wound up getting diagnosed with something called Erythema Multiforme (minor). 
It's a type of hypsersensitivity reaction that occurs in response to medications, infections, & illness. In her case she has a hypersensitivity to amoxicillin. Basically it damages the blood vessels of the skin, followed by damage to skin tissues. Addison had most of the classic symptoms: joint pain/swelling, fever, skin lesions, fatigue & generalized ill feeling. Poor baby. The Dr. said it could last 7 days-3 weeks & that she'll look a lot worse before she starts looking better.  She said to expect every place where there is an individual spot to spread into a cluster, swell then turn purple/bruise-like. She seriously looks miserable.  The treatment is minimal as the illness is self limiting.  Steroids (although she didn't need any yet), benadryl & motrin.

I dosed her with motrin before bed last night & hoped she got a good nights rest. Philip & I both got up multiple times to check on her & she slept soundly through the night until 8:20 this morning. I was hoping that the swelling in her ankles & elbows would have subsided, but it didn't.  Now her wrists & knuckles are swollen. If you think about it today...say a prayer for my sweet baby girl.  She looks absolutely miserable & it breaks my heart to see her swollen feet & hands.   

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Get Your Caffeine On: It's National Coffee Day

Cup up.
Flickr: Sean_Oliver cup up

If you are a java junkie like is an exciting day! It's NATIONAL COFFEE DAY! I think that calls for a visit to a coffee shop with the fam.

Check out a few national chains you can get your free coffee/deals:

Dunkin' Donuts 16-ounce is discounting packaged coffee for only $5.99 at participating Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants.

McDonald's is offering a free small McCafe Premium Roast coffee.

Participating Krispy Kremes Doughnut shops are giving away free 12-oz. cups of coffee.

After printing a coupon from their Facebook page, you can redeem a free small cup of coffee from Caribou Coffee.

According to, you can send a free Coffee Day eCard and then find out where you can go to get a free cup of joe.

What are you waiting for...get your caffeine on!

Friday, September 28, 2012

this week

This week...

I started a few Pinterest projects I have by dying to get working on//I caught up on some neglected Elle (so did Addison)//Addison took really really long naps...she has to be going through a growth spurt
Addison had an "ah ha" moment & anytime she saw the leash lying around she'd try to attach it to Hampton (even when he was in the crate)//Her Toms FINALLY fit; they are still a little big but SUPER cute & she can walk in them//Addison discovered that food is kept in the pantry...uh oh
Brueggers started brewing spice coffee (insert angelic choir)//We had several play dates & Addison was a great sharer

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Two things on Tuesday

Today was exceptional & two things made me really really happy. 1) The weather was gorgeous which made for a fun afternoon at the park. 2) The new Mumford & Sons album was released. Pheeeee-nomenal!!! The park is so much more enjoyable these days since the weather has cooled down a bit.  Although we haven't quite reached "ideal" fall weather, I look forward to the 80's the beginning of fall in North Carolina brings.  Addison is LOVING afternoons at the park these days too.  As we strolled over she said "sss-ving, sss-ving" (swing) & clapped her hands.  She had tons of fun & wasn't scared of the slide at all.  Her hair was the perfect medium for the static the slide produced. We laughed hysterically at her silly faces & wild hair. The rest of the afternoon we danced around the house while I cleaned & listened to the new Mumford & Sons album.  It was a good day. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

once in a lifetime friend

"Jonesy" my once in a lifetime friend, met the summer before my first semester at Evangel.  Sarah & her husband Jesse went to college with Philip; over the years they lost touch but reconnected prior to Philip & I moving to Springfield.  Philip knew Sarah & I would get along great & he raved about her.  Our connection was instant & it felt like we had known each other our entire lives. We lived in the same apartment complex & we were inseparable: we had dinner together almost every night, ran together, grocery shopped together, worked together...I was even privileged enough to be by her side when she gave birth to her first son.  I couldn't have prayed for anyone as wonderful as her, especially being 21 hours away from home...she was IS like a sister.  She lovingly nicknamed me "Mean Jean" & I called her "Jonesy". We were as goofy as goofy could get, constantly cracking ourselves up with yo mamma jokes & random dances. I have had some of the best times of my life with her & Jesse.  As life does it moved Jesse & Sarah back to Indiana where they were originally from.  I can honestly say Springfield wasn't the same without her.  Thankfully we still had the phone & could still exchange our laughter & tears.  We didn't see each other for quite some time before Philip & I moved to North Carolina.  We met up one last time before we headed back & it was super hard saying goodbye (maybe because I realized how far away we'd be). Over the last 5 years we've only seen each other 1 time & that was 3 years ago.  Since before Addison was born we planned trips & talked about meeting up but life kept getting in the way.  FINALLY things worked out & just like old times "Mean Jean" & "Jonesy" were reunited.  Life has changed so much but thankfully our friendship hasn't.  It was like we've never been apart.  Life is changing again & she & her husband & two boys are moving to the Czech Republic.  I am so excited for what God has in store for them but I'd be lying if I said I am not sad. It was the hardest dropping her off at the airport this time...the distance is much greater than Indiana & NC.  It may be 3 years before we see each other again but I am reassured that it will just like old times.  For now we have Skype & the telephone.  I am so thankful for my once in a lifetime friend.

Friday, September 21, 2012


  •  Sarah visited from IN
  • Addison learned to say "night-night"
  • we've been eating a lot of green tomatoes...yum
  • we got the proofs for Addison's 1 year photo shoot
  • the weather was much cooler & required a hat & sweater on a morning run

  •  I realized that I am a creature of habit & almost all my nail polishes are the same or in the same color family
  • Addison discovered an empty diaper box
  • We had lots of outside time
  • I cut my wrist slicing eggplant on the mandolin
  • several things I've ordered Addison came

  •  I got offered to teach 2 spin classes (Tuesdays 6am & Thursday 6pm)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

you know it's good when...

Summer is fading & fall is emerging.  It's bittersweet to welcome all things pumpkin, the crisp air, figs & apples.  Welcoming my favorite fall treats means saying goodbye to my summer faves.  Clinging to the last remnants of summer, I picked up a watermelon from the farmer's market last week. I've eaten it a million ways: grilled with shrimp & mint, made a marinade for chicken, added it to some drinks, frozen it...but my favorite way is plain all by itself. I am so glad I didn't pass it up because it was sweet, juicy & delicious.  You know it's good when you have to strip your baby down...clearly Addison enjoyed it as well. 

The watermelon is gone & the windows are open in my house this evening.  I guess it's time to embrace fall.

Monday, September 10, 2012

happy 12 months

Weight: 17.8 lbs
Length: 27.5 inches
Head Circumference: 43.5 inches
Diaper size: 3
Clothing size: 6-9 months & some 6-12 months
Her pediatrician said she is consistent & petite.  Although she is only in the 3rd percentile for weight & 5th for height, they correlate & she is steady on her growth curve.  

6...yes, SIX teeth! She has 4 on top & 2 on the bottom.

She still has soft creamy porcelain skin, GIANT blue eyes & wicked long eyelashes.  Her hair is blonde as can be & gets thicker, longer & wavier by the minute.  Although she doesn't have much baby fat to lose, what's there is starting to fade.  Her little elbows & knees still dimple. She's stuck with those chubby cheeks.  She most definitely has lost her baby appearance & looks much more like a toddler.  She's still the spitting image of me as a child.

I've said it monthly since she was born...she is a little social butterfly.  She's sure to greet you with a giant smile, a soft, raspy, "hiiiiiiiiiii" & wave.  Every morning she says hello to her owl mobile followed by a sweet kiss & "awwww".   She is SILLY & loves to make people entertainer no doubt. She's bubbly & infectious! I know she is my baby so I am partial but she is honestly one of the happiest babies I've ever seen.  She is such a little explorer, examining every detail of every little thing.

She is fully weened & just finished the last of frozen breast milk.  She LOVES almond milk & coconut milk.  Does awesome drinking from her sippy cup & recently learned how to drink from a straw. She continues to eat EVERYTHING we give her & there isn't much that she doesn't like. Her new favorite snack is dried nori. She LOVES the popsicles I make her too. 

Bedtime is around 7:30 & she wakes up around 7am, although the last 2 weeks she has been sleeping in until around 8:00 am. She still takes a morning nap (anywhere from 1-2 hours) & an afternoon nap (1 hour). Her sleep schedule is adjusting & appears that she's trying to weed out a morning nap.\\
 She is talking up a storm. This was another area her doctor was impressed with.  She says: "all done", "flower", "ball", "apple", "ba-lu" (balloon), "Uh-oh", "vroom vroom", "owl", "oh no", "meow", woof-woof", "Ma-Ma", "Da-Da", "sat" (what's that), "duck", "den-den" (Hampton), "dog", "hi", "bye-bye", "puppa" (my Dad), "off","shoe", "Emma".

Stuff she is doing:
She still isn't walking unassisted but walks holding onto your pinky finger or a thread on your pants...she is so close! She is into everything & almost never sits...she is constantly moving. She helps pick out her headbands & clothes & assists in getting dressed. She is learning to feed herself with a spoon & brushes her teeth.  She loves to brush your hair. She loves giving kisses & blows them constantly. She puts her hands on her hips with her elbows bent & shrugs her shoulders...she is a total mess.  She holds up 1 finger when you ask how old she is. If you ask where your nose, eyes & mouth are she will point to yours & then touch her own. 

She is super into noise.  She got a baby grand piano, xylophone & percussion table, drum & maraca set for her birthday & is glued to them. (It's the music in her). She is OBSESSED with balloons! Books, wooden puzzles & flash cards. She loves to play ball. She LOVES her friend Emma & gets so excited when she sees her.  She loves food!  She loves to cuddle & will lay with you for hours.  She is so sweet.  McQuacken & her Zebra blanket are always in sight. She loves to watch Sesame Street & the Backyardagains. She loves to pretend she is washing things. She loves to put things inside of eachother & throw!

Not much has changed here: having her diaper changed. Having her face/hands wiped after eating. Being told no. Having something taken away from her.

Friday, September 7, 2012

this week

this week...
  • We said "see ya next time" to Gram & Pup as they headed back to New England
  • My heart was warmed daily when I glanced at white hydrangeas in a mason jar
  • Addison's nap schedule was nearly nonexistent, I think she is going through some changes
  • Dinner was fantastic everyday...grilled eggplant, roasted zucchini, scallops...yum 
  • Addison found my makeup drawer & dumped out an entire new bottle of Mac foundation, tore apart a small package of tissues & broke my Benefit blush into a million pieces
  • The house (well, upstairs) got an overhaul & each room is spic & span
  • My friend Sarah booked her tickets for a trip to visit us...YAY
  • I was able to do my first pullups without a resistance band!
  • I PR'd on my deadlift...210 lbs :) 
  • Addison graduated to a size 3 diaper, though they are GIGANTIC on her
  • The power went out while we were shopping in Whole Foods
This week was definitely a recovery week. I worked a partial night shift, taught spin & abs this morning, cleaned the house & grocery shopped. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

totally obsessed

Addison is totally obsessed...well, really this statement could be finished multiple ways.  Obsessed with: Hampton, FOOD, climbing (the stairs especially), the computer/iPad/iPhone, my Fred Smith glasses (I am not fond of this obsession), bath time, balloons (she walks around the house pointing saying "ba-lu"), looking at HERSELF...I could seriously go on forever with the list. Because she is into EVERYTHING, the days of sitting at the kitchen table while blogging (doing anything really) & peeking around the corner to make sure she is playing contently are long gone.  These days I am barely squeezing in time after she goes to bed or a short one like this with her on my lap.  Her on my lap consists of her pounding on the keys, ripping my glasses off my face & diving off the couch

She is SUPER close to walking...literally walking side by side hanging on to a small thread on my jeans.  I'll be in even more trouble when that happens.  She has her 1 year visit, which unfortunately includes shots, on Monday.  I am excited to find out how much she weighs & how she is stacking up with other kiddos her age.  She is saying all kinds of new words but I am going to save that for Monday's post :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a girl & her piano

Addison's big gift from Philip & I bought was a Melissa & Doug baby grand piano. She LOVES it.  She sits proudly on her little stool with her shoulders back pounding away nonsense on the little keys.

She nods her head up & down, throwing her arms up in the air when she is finished as if she has just played Beethoven's most complex.  It's super cute to watch!

Monday, September 3, 2012

the details

It's official....I have a ONE year old.

It started with a simple invitation printed on recycled kraft paper embellished with a lace doily & mixed style lettering.  

Her birthday fell on a Saturday & so naturally we had her party on her actual birthday.  It was held in our backyard, mid morning, under a 20x20 tent. In true North Carolina weather fashion it flipped from 80 degrees & breezy to 90+ degrees, extreme humidity & no breeze. I guess that's the price you pay for a summer baby.

We didn't have a theme but kept the decor simple, girly & shabby chic.  Vintage fabric banners, burlap, soft pinks & ivories, doilies, chalkboard signs, lace & mossy wreaths.

The mail box was adorned with a few soft pink & ivory balloons. There was a chalkboard sign directing guests to the backyard.  Each area was designated with chalkboard signs (games, food, etc).

The tent had tables for eating & an area set up especially for Addison.  Underneath a burlap "Happy Birthday Banner" that I made was a vintage wooden highchair that Philip painted a soft bubble gum pink.  The high chair was dressed with a banner I made with vintage sheets & fabrics.  In the same area was an old trunk from our garage filled with gifts for Addison. I decorated it simply with paper mache letters, spelling ONE,  that I modpodged scrap fabric & lace to. Addison received a floral slip covered arm chair from Pottery Barn from my mother in law which was perfectly in place for her to open presents.

The food & beverage tables were dressed with lacy tablecloths from my grandmother & the food table was adorned with another scrap fabric banner I made.  For adult beverages we had raspberry & lime infused water & pineapple & lemon infused water.  It was sipped on from grey & pink paper straws that accompanied burlap wrapped mason jars.  For the kiddos we had organic milk boxes & organic apple juice boxes.

We served hamburger sliders, scallop & heart shaped PB & J, mini grilled cheese sandwiches, hummus with vegetables, tortilla chips & fruit.  Sweets included frosted sugar cookies, animal crackers (frosted, chocolate & plain), carrot cake & vanilla cupcakes & bread pudding (made especially per my Grandfather's request).  For the little kids there was no sugar added applesauce & mandarin oranges.

There were about 16 kiddos (ranging from 7 weeks to 13 years old) & about 20 adults in attendance.  Several of those that RSVP'd didn't show up. Each child was given a gift bag with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, finger nail polish (girls), football (boys), play dough & a few chatskie items.  The bags were made by yours truly thanks to a little Pinterest inspiration. They were brown paper bags embellished with doilies & tagged with scalloped kraft paper & a worn chevron pattern with each child's name on them.

Addison wore the sweetest aproned dress from Janie & Jack with a matching headband (I am still kicking myself that I didn't get any pictures of her in it). For cake she wore an ivory ruffled diaper cover with matching bib with lace & embroidered cake on the front.

In true Addison fashion she gobbled up the frosting & couldn't get it in her mouth fast enough.  She was happy as could be opening presents, much more attentive than I had thought.  She received lots of music related gifts (baby grand piano, drums, xylophone), a few stuffed animals, some adorable outfits, wooden puzzles & various age appropriate toys.

Although the weather wasn't ideal for an outdoor party I am so pleased with how everything turned out.  She was a happy camper the entire time & I'd like to think that someday she will smile to know that we threw her a special first birthday.  She is our special girl & deserves nothing less. 

addison turns one

{the invitation}
{party tent}
{cake & present area}
{smash cake}


{the party}
{the cake}

{ready to dive in}

{sugar heaven}

{in a happy place}