Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I've never been a resolution maker. I'm that rebel that says "I don't make New Year's Resolutions…I try to live with intention & purpose".  Ironic right?! I am the girl that makes lists just to check things off & I don't make resolutions.  Oddly enough I find myself getting super excited as I accomplish feats/tasks throughout the year. So really…I am a closet resolution maker.  Zig Ziggler said "What you get by achieving your goals isn't as important as what you become by achieving your goals".

That is definitely my mindset for 2013.

2013 will be:
more organized 
more of what makes me happy
more things with love
more positivity
more change
more creativity

less comparison
less worry
less people pleasing
less fear
less procrastination

Mostly just want to make myself proud. Whether it's feeling proud of getting more organized, accomplishing a lifting goal, taking a chance for our family…I just want to be proud.

2012 was a year filled with lots of love and laughter.  New friends, new environments.  Lots of growth & change.  I tried new things & cut things/people out of my life.  I had lots of proud moments.  We traveled & set new priorities for our family.  Bye bye 2012 you were fantastic. Hello 2013!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jolly It Was

I can say with 100% confidence that this was my most favorite Christmas of all 28 Christmases I have celebrated.  I could hardly sleep Christmas Eve with all the excitement bottled up to watch Addison open her presents. As soon as I heard her sweet little voice say "mumma" Christmas morning I darted into her room, woke Philip up & came downstairs.

As we walked down the stairs she peeked around over the banister exclaiming "ooooh".  I put her down & let her walk over to the presents.  She walked by them, inspecting them one by one squealing with excitement.  While our coffee was brewing and she sipped on almond milk from her reindeer sippy cup she explored the packages.  She's a smart girl…she was immediately drawn to the larger ones.

There were a few presents open from the night before & she plopped herself on the living room carpet in front of them. One by one she very slowly opened: clothes, PJ's, DVD's, blocks, books, puzzles, faux groceries, kid WOD toys (kettlebell, barbell, box & medicine ball), plastic pots & pans, faux fruit, a shopping cart, a cozy coupe car, baby alive baby doll & umbrella stroller.

She tore the paper off strip by strip, stacking it on top of each other.  She'd instantly forget about the toys she'd previously opened & become focused on the toy in hand.  Philip couldn't open/assemble fast enough.  She kept walking over to the cozy coupe box & say "see, see". No sooner did Philip take it out the box she was sitting in it say "vroom vroom" & buzzing her lips together making car sounds.  She kissed the baby and said "aw" then tossed her to the ground, lol.  She LOVES her little stroller from Pottery Barn; I am pretty sure every accessible item got a ride, Elmo, Philip's cell phone, etc. 

She spent most of the day loading up her shopping cart & taking everything back out.  She'd walk up to you with a faux hotdog pretending to nibble on it & politely share with you.

It was a super relaxed day.  Mum & Dad came over at lunch time & we exchanged gifts.  We ate & laughed, played games & watched movies…my kind of day.

It was a very very memorable Christmas.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

When love is not madness, it is not love.

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind in our household, as I am sure they have been in yours as well.  Christmas parties, family gatherings, working extra shifts, teaching extra classes at the gym, shopping, wrapping, WEDDINGS!  I know...I am like 2 weeks late posting about my mother in law's wedding.  This says it all so perfectly..."When love is not madness, it is not love." - Pedro Calderon de la Barca.  

It was a beautiful, unseasonably warm December afternoon…it was perfect.  She looked stunning & was the happiest I think I have ever seen her.  Family & friends were present for a small ceremony & fun filled reception.  There were some tears, LOTS of laughs, dancing, good food and love was definitely present.  Here are a few of my favorite pics

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Wise Men Still Seek Him: Merry Christmas

Isaiah 9:6-7

New King James Version (NKJV)
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Merry Christmas to you & yours.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

This Week

This week…

  • was filled with holiday festivities & family
  • we grabbed dinner with parents & Addison had a love hate relationship with a lemon

  •  we went on a train ride to look at Christmas lights
  • Addison got into the presents under the tree…she was particularly intrigued by the "pretty" wrapped ones
  • Mom and I did a little Christmas shopping & Addison rode every ride at the the sopping center

  • we hosted Tabor Christmas at our house
  • the kids had a blast cutting out & decorating Christmas cookies 

  •  Hampton turned 2

  •  Addison met Santa Claus
  • We went bowling with some friends (at the most ghetto bowling alley ever)

  •  We got Christmas cards in the mail everyday…it warms my heart

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Repeat Daily

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children." Deuteronomy 6:6-7.

This morning's devotion was especially timely in light of the current event of our nation.  Even though Addison is only one I read her a devotion every night before she goes to bed & pray with her.  Throughout the day I try to apply the scripture from the night before or what I have read that morning in my own devotion.

This morning's devotion was Deuteronomy 6. I have read that chapter a thousand times but it never impacted me like it did this morning.  As I read "talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." "write them on the doorframes of your houses and your gates." It really resonated with me. The beginning of the chapter addresses the First Commandment and greatest commandment, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul.  How do those two points connect and why did it impact me so much?  Maybe that is how we are failing as a nation? We are instructed to teach our children…to teach them to love the Lord. We need to teach them about love and faith. Teach them about honor and authority, total surrender and adoration. About Grace and devotion.  About obedience and forgiveness.  I am going to repeat this daily to Addison. I want her to know that God is loving and forgives but to serve him faithfully. This I will repeat daily.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Meeting Santa Claus

Do you remember the butterflies you would get as a child; excited with anticipation for Christmas morning, barely being able to sleep the night before, convincing yourself the noises you'd hear in the house was Santa & his reindeer landing? I'd sneak out to "use the bathroom" & peek around the corner hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa in action or at least see what he left behind. As I got older & didn't believe in Santa anymore I'd play along for my younger siblings & loved every moment of it because it allowed the belief in Santa to linger a little bit longer.  I still get those same butterflies when I think about Christmas morning.  Addison has most definitely rekindled a child-like excitement surrounding the holidays, especially this year.  Clearly she doesn't associate Santa with the presents under the tree or all the pretty decorations she is constantly being told not to touch but she most definitely knows who Santa Claus is.  When you ask her what he says she says "ho ho ho" & anytime she sees a depication of Santa she says his name (or Elmo) in a high pitched voice, lol.

I don't really ever recall my parents bringing me to see Santa in the mall, although I know they did because they have pictures.  I am not sure if it just wasn't that memorable or if I had a bad experience and blocked it out of my mind, lol. I was super excited to take her to see Santa in the mall today.  I was a little nervous because I wasn't sure if she'd have stranger anxiety & be frightened or if she would delight in his rosy cheeks & fluffy red suit.  She watched as Arden (my friends 5 month old little girl), cheerfully sat on his lap for her picture. Addison pointed & said "Arden" & "Santa" & "ho ho ho" & even clapped her hands.  A few times she let out a very expressive "oooooh" when the LED Snoopy would move along side of us or the jingle of bell being rung to get Arden's attention would peak Addison's interest.  As we approached, she gave Santa a shy wave & held onto my arm with a death grip.  As I lowered her into his lap she clinged to my arm but I broke away.  She sat without crying but had a "um hey…who is this creepy man" face the entire time.  She kept her hands held in the air, 1 finger pointed (almost as if she was saying no) with her mouth slightly open in a half smile. If Santa would touch her hands to bring them to her side, she'd peer at him out of the corner of her eye like "get your hands off me".  Emilee & I laughed.  Most of the pictures looked like this.  Not one real smile or look of comfort.  It will do.

December 2012: 15 months

December 2011: 3 months