Tuesday, November 1, 2011


How is it already November!?! What the heck?!  It's November...which means I have a 2 month old!?! {SIGH}. Umm..is there is pause button I can push?  It's unbelievable how fast she is growing!
 Addison has become quite the little Houdini over the last several days.  Since birth we have swaddled her with arms out for naps & bedtime. She still seems to love it (she doesn't fight us at all & goes right to sleep) but somehow she keeps un-swaddling herself in the middle of the night which is waking her up. Tonight we are going to try something new.  I am such a fan of the Aden + Anais swaddling blankets that I decided to try out the Aden + Anais sleeping bag (sleep sack). 
It's made out of muslin just like the swaddle blankets which I totally love because it's breathable. She can still wear her normal pajamas & be warm but I don't have to worry about her over heating.  Hopefully since we have always swaddled with arms out she won't even notice the difference. Tonight is the test run...my fingers are crossed!


  1. so adorable Holly!! Keep the pictures coming!

    BTW I nominated you for an award on my blog.. go check it out :) Thanks!

  2. aw thanks Nikki! It's been longer than 8 years...probably like 10, crazy!
