Thursday, December 29, 2011


After weeks of outfit changes related to drool, watching her rub her tongue on her gums & now gnawing at her fingers, I think it is safe to say Addison is teething. At first I figured there was no way since she is only 3 months (average age is 6 months) but I am pretty confident that she is. Thankfully she is being a trooper! Over the last few days I can tell she is a little more uncomfortable which isn't surprising because her poor little gums are swollen. I've been slathering them with baby orajel & holding teething rings in her mouth for her (she doesn't like to hold them when they are cold, lol).  Thank goodness for Sophie, her teething giraffe too!  I hope a tooth makes an appearance soon & this isn't a long drawn out process for her.
Ha Ha Ha...I like how she had both fingers & Sophie in her mouth @ the same time.

I managed to get 1 picture of her without her fingers in her mouth but she was captivated by the TV & has her mouth open, lol.

1 comment:

  1. So cute watching her Baby Einstein. Gavin was obsessed with Baby Beethoven and cut his first tooth just before 16 weeks... But Bryce didn't get his first tooth until almost 8 months. You just never know! Good luck!
