Friday, June 1, 2012


Today Addison is 9 months.  It's crazy that she has been out of my belly as long as she was in my belly.  While she was growing inside 9 months felt like forever & the last 9 months has flown by.

Since we have been home from Hawaii she has been my late little sleeper, getting up at 8:00-8:20.  Nice right?!? I have been walking in the door from the gym right as she is waking up. She is still going to bed around the same time (7:30-8:00) but she seems to be requiring a little more cuddle time before I can put her in her crib.  She turns her body sideways so she's cradled in my arms but can see my face; her face pressed against my chest with one arm tightly wrapped around mine while she twirls her hair with her other. She sighs & babbles, gazing at me until eventually she falls asleep.  The past few nights she has startled when I put her down, let out the saddest cry as she reaches her hand towards me (separation anxiety), fusses for a few minutes then falls right to sleep with her little bum in the air.  She hasn't slept in a sleep sack since we have been back from Hawaii so I think we are going to pack it up & put it away. Down to 2 naps a day varying from 1-2 hours. She wakes up so happy...I love to get her from her crib right after she has woken up.

She is working on a tooth on top but it hasn't broken through her gums yet.  She been gnawing on dried unsweetened papaya & frozen apple slices (and Sophie of course).

Her hair is getting SO long & WAVY! I love the way it flips out!! It's super blonde too.

Meal time is a blast.  While she still eats purees but it's obvious she prefers small finger foods...her independence is already shinning through.  We've explored lots of new flavors the last month: mango & coconut sauces, curries, terragon, rosemary; she loved them all! She loves Salmon, tuna, ono (Hawaiian fish), mahi mahi...pretty much will eat whatever we are eating.  She tried scrambled egg yolk for the first time this past week & is a fan.  She loves to snack on grapes without the skin cut in half, soft pears, pieces of peach, fresh mandarin orange slices, cooked carrot sticks, apple slices with homemade sunflower butter, freeze dried fruit of all varieties...thankfully she isn't picky & she loves just about anything we give her.  I made a roasted eggplant baba ganoush dip & she was in heaven, even with a pretty potent garlic flavor. While we were in Hawaii she tried a Hawaiian banana called an apple banana & ate tons of fresh mango & papaya. She loves to drink water from her sippy cup but still hasn't had any juice. Nursing is still going as planned...only a few more months.

Her vocabulary is growing!  She now says Da-Da, Ma-Ma, no-no, Hi, dog, duck, bye bye. She tries SO hard to say just about anything you ask her too.

She waves & claps. She'll imitate your hand motions & if you slam your hand on a surface that makes noise, she'll do the same. She almost has the sign for more down pat.

She is a super sonic crawler now & into everything. I've caught her in Hampton's crate, at his food bowl & actually licking Hampton.  My eyes are on her at all times. She LOVES to stand & walk holding onto something.  Her favorite thing to do is hold onto your pinky fingers & walk around.  She walks along the side of the couch while holding on independently & will move back & forth from the ottoman and couch. She's constantly moving.  She loves to dance & does a little "jig" when she is standing.
my floors need to be waxed so bad!

She plays so well independently.  She'll lay on her tummy with a board book & turn the pages jabbering away as if she is reading. She talks to her baby doll & will sit forever building with her blocks, stacking her cups & putting things inside of each other.  She knows where her toy box is now & crawls over to it when everything is put away.  Smart girl :) I make a point to include her in toy pickup, although I know she doesn't understand yet. She still loves to cruise around in her walker. She darts around the house crashing into things & cracks herself up.

The pool opened while we were in Hawaii so we've tried to spend a little time there everyday since we've been home.  SHE LOVES THE WATER.  In the baby pool section she can touch the bottom while standing & it makes her giggle.  She cruises around in her float just like she does in her walker; hilarious to watch.  She is FEARLESS of the water which is a little scary but super exciting.  She splashes away with her jibber jabber watching all the big kids play.

Hawaii got her broken in with sunscreen application & she doesn't mind it anymore.  We have to stick with California Baby because it's the only thing that she hasn't had a reaction to so far.  I am very proud to say that she still remains sunburn free though!

Bath time is still a highlight of our day because she is so darn cute in it.  She still LOOOOVES to have her head washed! She had her first shower in Hawaii & she kept her tongue stuck out as the water rolled down the whole time.

Happy 9 months my little teddy graham!

 She goes to the doctor's on Monday for her her 9 month visit.  I'll post updated stats after her visit.

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