Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Addison Says...

"meeps" aka sweeping
Anytime I have the broom out you can be sure of two things, 1) Hampton is being crazy chasing after it  2) Addison is following close behind repeating "meeps" over + over again.  It took me a little while to figure out what she was saying, or trying to say rather.  I finally figured out that she calls sweeping "meeps".

"Mear" aka Bear

She is head over heels in love with "Mear", aside from "nit" ( her zebra blanket), this is Addison's favorite toy.  

Ok, so here are two words that do not begin with "M" that she is putting at the beginning. I am totally confused!?! She says plenty of "S" words: slide, "side" (outside), "share", "snack", "sit". Her list of "B" words is even longer: "blueberry", "bye-bye", "button", "bubbles", "belly", "boo-boo", "bite", "bow", "Big Bird", "bunny", "baby", "balloon", "berry", "ball".  I am sure there are "S" + "B" words that I left off. So why is she calling bear "Mear" + sweeping "meeps?"

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