Friday, April 19, 2013

{FITNESS FRIDAY} Beauty in Strength

I have found this video incredibly inspiring ever since I started my CrossFit journey.  One of the most common misconceptions for women when it comes to weightlifting is that they will "get bulky".  A lot of the fitness magazines show lean, fit, toned models lifting with 5-10 lbs dumbbells which gives readers a false impression.  People reading the magazines (women especially) look at the model's physique & equate that as a result of the workouts shared in the articles.  While the articles are fantastic & give people great starting points/ideas, they also are sort of false advertising.  Fitness models don't get their lean muscular bodies doing those 10 min workouts with 5 lb dumbbells. They eat clean & train hard…they lift weights. Lifting weights isn't going to make you bulky! But I see women with huge muscles in body building magazines…that's their goal. Their goal is build muscle & compete. Some in fact may even take testosterone which is the primary reason why men can build muscle so much easier than women in the first place. 

 5 Reasons Women Should Lift Heavy Weights According to Shawn Mozen (
  1. Weight lifting increases bone density. You can spend less time popping calcium supplements and more time with your hands on some weights having a fun workout.
  2. Muscle burns fat! If you want to burn fat you have to build some muscle.
  3. Life is easier when you are strong. At the end of the day you can have a body that collapses in a heap or one that can rise to the physical and mental challenges life places on it.
  4. Stronger core. Core, core, core, core and yes, core. Look at any gym marketing fitness classes to women and you will see this word used over and over again. Well ladies if you want a strong core there is a better way to get one than lying on the floor and pulling on your head. Lift something heavy over your head and squat! Thats right squat heavy and maintain that mid line and you will develop an incredible core.
  5. Its fun. Meeting and obstacle, struggling with it and overcoming it comes with a sense of accomplishment. The same can be said when we train with weights and hit a new record. As you get stronger you feel a sense of accomplishment and reward for your hard work.

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