Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hello 8 months! 
 This past month was an eruption of new developments. While this is truly a rewarding stage, I find myself holding on extra tight as her “babyness” is fading. It is the most amazing thing to watch the evolution of this tiny person but I am not ready for the baby stage to be over {insert sappy music here}.

As bad as I wanted to be a mum I still wouldn't have believed anybody if they would have told me how much fun it is, especially the older she gets. She brings me pure joy & there is nothing in this world that can make me smile like her. 8 months later & still my favorite part of the day is seeing her sweet face light up with the most contagious smile first thing in the morning.
 She is still contently settled in her routine of waking up around 7am & going to bed around 7:30pm.  She takes an hour morning nap, usually around 9am & a 2 hour afternoon nap around 2pm. Every now & then she sneaks a mid-morning cat nap in but isn't cranky if she misses it. The older she gets the more adaptable she is & the easier it is to deviate from her routine...good thing because our trip in 2 1/2 weeks to Hawaii is going to rock her world.

During her 7 month she got her 1st tooth & the second made it's appearance just a few days later. This no doubt has contributed to her loosing her baby-ish appearance...that gummy smile is fleeting. Overall you wouldn't have even known she was teething despite the drool.  She did have a couple days where she ran a low grade temp, had a runny nose & was a little more wakeful with the 2nd (I actually took her to the doctors because I thought maybe she had a cold)...that was no fun.
I think I may have a foodie in the making. She isn't shy about letting you know what she likes & doesn't like, much like her Grandma Tabor.  We have always teased Philip's mom because she ENJOYS food & gives a commentary on it as she eats.  Addison gets so excited when she is really digging something, saying "mmmmmmmm" louder & louder as she eats, She giggles, bounces in her highchair & hits her hand on the tray. When she isn't sure, she pauses with the food in her mouth, gets a perplexed look & either opens her mouth for more or as of lately spits it out. Fortunately she isn't a picky eater & the latter doesn't happen often. She definitely does not like avocado or the combination of chicken & carrots (although she enjoys them separately). Fruits she has tried: banana, apples, plums, peaches, blueberries, mango, papaya & pears. Veggies she has tried: kale, asparagus, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, leeks, carrots & turnips. Meats she has tried: chicken & turkey.
Her favorite mealtime is breakfast (a girl after my own heart). She reallllly loves snack time too, especially since we recently introduced finger foods. She likes to share her snacks with me. She will nosh on it for a few seconds & sweetly stick out her hand & hand me what she is eating or try & put it in my mouth. She loves to suck on frozen apple slices, dried papaya, freeze dried mango, banana chunks & puffs. She continues to be a pro at nursing & the plan is continue until she is a year.
She babbles NON-STOP. Words are starting to make an appearance in her babbly vocabulary.  We can definitely add "mumma" to her word list.  I am pretty sure she says "duck" too.  While blowing raspberries is still one of her favorite things to do, she has learned to click her tongue & loves when you do it back to her.

We've been working on waving & clapping lately.  When you say "bye-bye" she puts her arm up in the air.  She laughs when you clap & rocks back & forth when you clap her hands together for her but doesn't understand how to do it herself quite yet.
She is super active- crawling & rolling everywhere, though she is still mostly scooting & rolling.  She puts herself in a sitting position from all fours & is pulling herself up from sitting to standing. Talk about freaking out when I walked in her nursery to find her standing in her crib. In the last week or so she has become infatuated with climbing. She is all over the place.  Good thing she has a fast mamma.

The weather has been amazing & we take advantage of any opportunity we have to be outside. She loves to be outdoors, going for walks, running in the BOB, swinging on the swings but is just as content sitting in grass.  She LOVES the grass. 

One of her new favorite indoor activities is knocking down stacked blocks. We stack them & she knocks them down with glee. It's usually followed by giggles & taking 2 blocks (one in each hand) & smacking them together. She has been really interested in her stacking rings & this abacus type thing that glows. 

She is so curious. She touches & examines everything.  She is completely obsessed with noses & eyelashes.

She doesn't like to be too far from me, and I hate being apart from her. She has a bit of separation anxiety & is definitely developing "stranger danger".  On the same token she is as social as ever especially with kids.  She LOVES kids.

She definitely grew this past month but is still super petite. She weighed 14.6 lbs last week & is approx 26.5  inches long.  She still wears a size 2 diaper.  While 3-6 months are still big on her the length is now perfect.

Things she loves: baths, Hampton, MUSIC, Sophie the giraffe, McQuacken, her blankie, Philip singing to her, Emma, peek-a-boo, being held upside down, having her hair brushed, dancing, ducks, cuddling, being tickled, crawling around on our bed and couch, swinging.

Things she doesn't like: sunscreen application, a wet diaper, being ignored, having something taken away from her, socks, avocado, being told no.

She is miss INDEPENDENT & wants things done her way.  She'll let you know if she doesn't like it. Oh & take something away from her that is captivating her....my goodness. What a temper!!! She is so stubborn & intense.  When she sets her mind on something she is completely bound and determined & gets insanely frustrated. 
I love her to the moon & back. What are you going to delight us with 8 months?

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