Sunday, February 26, 2012


One of my absolute most favorite blogs to read is Apartment Therapy & their sister blog Ohdeedoh. Unfortunately Ohdeedoh no longer exists but Apartment Therapy has a dedicated Family section.  A couple of weeks ago this post caught my eye, Oversized Ruler Growth Chart & inspired me. The one that most caught my attention was the one from Dear Lillie.

Philip bought a 6 ft piece of finished wood for $14.00 from Lowes.  We had already had stain in various shades, black paint & paint brushes. Philip cut the board to 5 1/2 ft. First he put a light stain on it. Once it was dry  I measured & painted the ruler markings on the board, using the numbers as feet, not inches. Next we brushed a darker stain on it & wiped it off with a rag. Once it was dry we put a clear protective glaze over it (we already had that too). We also had picture hanging hardware which Philip installed on the back. Once we figured out where we were going to hang it we took into account our large baseboards. Philip measured from the bottom of the baseboard to 6 feet & installed the bracket 1.5 inches from the top. It's the perfect to our living room!