Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I feel like I have been saying for months that her top teeth are coming in. They are FINALLY palpable & I wouldn't be surprised if they she gets them completely in over the weekend. Per usual she is being a trooper; she is just a giant drool fest & constantly putting forceful pressure on her gums. We've gone through quite a few dried papaya slices this week...LIFESAVERS! She looks hilarious when she eats them A) they look like bacon B) you'd think I gave her crack or something...she goes nuts when she has it C) she walks/crawls/cruises around with it hanging out of her mouth (look ma no hands). In addition to the papaya slices Sophie is getting extra love & she has finally taken a liking to frozen teething rings. Come on top teeth...make your appearance & stop torturing my poor baby girl.

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