Sunday, January 1, 2012


I could gobble her up in all her 4 month old cuteness! 4 months later & my heart still turns to mush when it comes to her. I am I still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Philip & I created something...someone so beautiful!

She is changing by the minute!  I swear everyday she wakes up her hair is thicker, longer & blonder. I love how blonde it is! She's recently discovered her hair. She takes her little index finger and fluffs up her hair in the back & moves her index finger around in a circular motion, almost as if she is trying to twirl it. It's adorable to watch.
It's hard to tell in pictures because of how blonde they are, but she has the LONGEST eyelashes. Her new thing is batting them. I KNOW!?!  It's bad enough that she has giant baby blue eyes but now she bats her eyelashes...sheesh. I said it before, those eyes are going to get her into trouble & probably out of it too, lol. It's amazing at 4 months old, she already knows how to use them.
She is more curious than ever.  I love to watch her pan the room & lock eyes with something that catches her interest. She LOVES books!  She stares down at the pages as if she is memorizing the pictures & reading the words.  She even turns the pages as she kicks her legs in excitement.  Story time is one of my favorite parts of the day because I love to watch how excited she gets.  
This girl loves to look at herself the mirror.   She just smiles & stares & sometimes turns her head away bashfully, it's precious.
She is extremely expressive & has some hilarious facial expressions (especially when she is pooping).  Her happy expression is by far the best! Thankfully she is a SUPER HAPPY baby & we get to see that gorgeous smile almost all day.  Every morning I am greeted by the biggest & brightest smile.  She makes my day 5 minutes into it starting. 
She is finding her voice & it's P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S.  She does this grunty "aaaaaaaaaa, eeeeeeee, ahhhhhhh" thing over & over & over again. Her sweet voice has a little rasp to it like her dads. She squeals & laughs out loud with the sweetest little giggle. Her giggle always ends with this raspy "ahhhhh"... I LOVE it. When she's content or tired she has a long drawn out "heeehhh" sound. She's very communicative with other babies too. I wonder what she is saying?
She has a fake cough & laughs when she does it. I think it's humerous that she already finds herself funny.  She always laughs when she blow raspberries.  If you say "peeee eewww" when you smell her feet or change her diaper she lets out that sweet little giggle. She responds when you say her name & definitely has "conversation" with you.
She is super flexible. I call her my yoga baby.  She pulls her feet over her head & looks in between her legs & laughs when you change her diaper.  She constantly has her feet pressed together in the air.  She is rolling over from front to back & back to front & prefers to be on her tummy now more than anything.  She does this little superman thing in between her little push ups. She will be crawling soon, no doubt.  She's already pushing her butt up in the air when she pushes up & does a little pelvic thrust which scoots her body forward.  One of her favorite things to do is press her feet up against your hands when she is on her tummy as she pushes off & scoots across the floor. She loves to stand flat on her feet & waves one of her hands in a jersey shore fist pumping fashion, it's hilarious. She fist pumps a lot.
She is sitting independently for short periods of time before she falls forward.  It's kind of funny because she gets a look in her eyes right before she topples forward like "here I go."
She loves to wiggle and shake to music...boy does she get excited.  She LOVES music.  Her December play list was "Winter Song- Sarah Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson", "Mistletoe- Colbie Caillat", "The Christmas Song- Dave Matthews", "Hallelujah- Jeff Buckley", "Sleep Well- Lydia", "The Rain- Vedera", "Life in a Glass House- Radiohead", "Set Fire to the Rain- Adele" "Beautiful- Jesus Culture" definitely was a slow mix.
She grasps EVERYTHING within reach & attempts to grab everything out of reach.  My hair seems to be a target.  She vigorously shakes everything even if it doesn't make a sound & it almost always makes it into her mouth. Her fingers are still a source of fascination & with her teething they are ALWAYS in her mouth.
There are no teeth yet but she is drooly wet mess & you can feel the little ridges of inflammation along her bottom gum line. Thankfully she is being a champ through it!
She loves bath time even more & has almost outgrown her Puj tub.  She LOVES to splash & suck on the washcloth when she gets her hands on it. 
She is so affectionate...I hope she never outgrows this.  When she nurses she strokes my cheek, arm or anything else she can in the sweetest softest way.  She reaches up & sticks her fingers in my mouth waiting for me to make a kissy sound & then gently pulls them away.
She is sleeping 10 hour stretches at night. She goes to bed super easy at 7-7:30 & wakes up to nurse at 5 or 5:30 & goes back to sleep until 7:30 or 8.  She is still taking 2 morning naps that are both pretty short & a long afternoon nap.  We got so lucky to get such a great sleeper.  I wish she would just take 1 long morning nap instead of 2 short ones but I shouldn't complain because at least she takes naps! 

I think I have smiled & giggled more in the last 4 months than I ever have in my entire life.  I know it's only going to get better too!

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