Friday, October 7, 2011


Addison had her one month (CRAZY!?!) appointment yesterday which entailed getting her second Hepatitis B vaccination.  Ummm...NOBODY WARNED ME!!! Everyone told me to give her tylenol before getting the vaccine to prevent fevers but nobody said she'd cry ALL day & become an insomniac. She took a little cat nap before her 11 am appointment & DID NOT sleep until 7:15 last night.  It wouldn't have been so bad if she was screaming & inconsolable.  I felt helpless & completely inadequate because nothing I did worked.  The only thing that appeared to work was nursing. It consoled her & obviously kept her from crying while she was actually nursing but the exchange was incessant spitting up from screaming after.  Every time I thought I'd get her down, I'd put her in her crib, swaddle her & she'd SCREAM again.  Needless to say, I spent more time with MAD-DISON yesterday then my sweet baby ADDISON.  Finally after lots of tears from both of us, she stopped fighting sleep & slept from 7:15 until 11:20.  Sounds great right?!  She woke up wailing & here was a repeat of the day.  Finally after walking, bouncing, rocking, singing, nursing, changing, shushing she dozed off around 2:00 am.  I did something I am completely against & swore I would never do. I brought her into our bed, laid her on my chest & propped myself up against the headboard.  This is where she slept until 5:45 am.   I just couldn't bare to attempt to swaddle her & go through it all over again.  I know BIG MOM FOUL. When she woke up at 5:45 to nurse I managed to get her to sleep in her crib again & she slept until 7:45.  So far so good...she had a great alert/wakeful period without fussing until now where she is sweetly resting her head with her eyes closed on my chest inside the Baby Bjorn. It's early for her to go down for her morning nap but I am sure she is exhausted from yesterday.  I AM!!  Hopefully the worst is over & sweet happy Addison has returned!
On a positive note, she had a GREAT report at the Dr's.  
Weight: 9 lb 10 oz (she gained 10 oz in 10 days which is right on target)
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Head Circumference: 36 inches 
Weight: 7 lb 4 oz
Length: 19 3/4 inches
Head Circumference 33 inches

She is right around the 50th percentile in height & length & 30th percentile for her head measurement.  It's hard to imagine that she weights almost 10 lb because newborn clothes still fit loosely on her.  I guess she just has a petite frame.

Despite it all...I LOVE HER & LOVE being a mum.  It was just a bad day!


  1. Addison is beautiful Holly! I have enjoyed reading about your journey together. Just wanted to encourage you by saying there is nothing wrong with breaking your own rules every once and awhile. I remember feeling the same way with Sophia. I broke plenty of my own little rules. Enjoy your day.
