Monday, October 24, 2011


Philip & I have definitely entered a whole new realm of our marriage.  Not too long ago checking the mail didn't seem complete without a wedding invitation, save the date or bridal shower invite.  Suddenly it seems like everyone has moved from "first comes love, then comes marriage" the "then comes the baby in the baby carriage" phase of life. Every time I check the mail there is a new birth announcement or baby shower invite.  IT'S EXTREMELY EXCITING! In the last 2 weeks we have had 2 very dear friends let us in on their secret that they are expecting & we couldn't be happier for both couples!! Other friends of ours, who also struggled with infertility, have just hit the 20 week mark after successful IVF.  Eeeiiik! It completely warms my heart!!  In my subdivision alone there were 4 of us pregnant due within months of each other, not to mention at least 6 kiddos age 1 & under. Addison will have lots of little playmates in the neighborhood. I am out on maternity leave at the same time as 2 co-workers & in the last 1 1/2 years there has been countless babies born within my department.  Is this a baby boom or am I just hyper aware because I now have a baby?!

1 comment:

  1. yes! this is a baby boom... you wouldn't believe all the friends I have who are expecting within the next 6 months OR those who just had a baby. It's crazy! Of course... military wives are known for popping out some babies! haha
