Wednesday, September 14, 2011

uterine atony

it's been a crazy/scary 24 hours.  yesterday i started having heavy bright red bleeding with large clots & a significant amount of pain.  i blew it off throughout the day thinking i was being "too much of a nurse" & reading too far into it.  several doses of tylenol & ibuprofen (which i hadn't taken since day 2 of being home) later & persistent pain/bleeding, i started to get a little worried. i talked to a nurse friend of mine who is 6 months postpartum to see if what i was experiencing was normal (i knew it wasn't) & prompting from her & philip led me to call the obgyn on call because it was after hours.  because i wasn't really symptomatic we decided to try 4 doses of methergine to help my uterus contract because he said it was probably uterine atony. if the bleeding seemed to decrease then i was to wait until the morning to be seen in the office. if the bleeding stayed the same or increased i was to go to the ER.
thankfully 3 doses of methergine helped & the bleeding dramatically decreased. i had an appointment this morning with an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't something more serious like retained placenta or other parts of conception. the ultrasound showed some blood but nothing serious & definitely no retained placenta.  my ob said that the atony & OVER ACTIVITY was probably the cause.  conclusion: rest, relax (ironic that i posted about this the other day), take it easy & take the last dose of methergine.

i guess it won't be so hard to just enjoy this beauty:

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you are okay, and what a beauty little Addison is :) Love you!
