Friday, September 16, 2011


addison & i are getting used to philip being back to work. we are starting to settle into a little routine & i totally have developed a "you can do it" attitude. i am actually going to venture out with her 1 day next week for a little while to meet a friend for lunch. accomplishing things is becoming much easier. maybe because i am becoming a pro using 1 hand?!?! :)

we have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us.  addison & i are going to SC with philip next week for a few days while chaz stays with hampton.  the following week we are going to new england for my cousin alyson's wedding...i can't wait.  i am hopeful addison will tolerate the car ride well, SC is a mini test run.

i am really liking stay at home mommyhood.  it's hard to believe i only have 10 more weeks left of maternity leave. i am trying to enjoy every moment...even the fussy ones.