Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Leash On Life

When we brought Hamp (Hampton) home the hole left by Winston's tragic death was partially filled. Of course he couldn't replace Winston but the companionship & love that we shared with Winston was back. I vowed to always protect him & love him. I cherished my nights off & the time he'd spent cuddled up on the couch with me, nestling his warm little body in my shoulder...like a sweet little baby.  He was IS my sweet little baby. He, as Winston did, went every where with us.  If he wasn't able to come with us, we'd anxiously text "Uncle" Chaz, his "babysitter" & "Oh & Ah" over text messaged pictures reassuring us that he was okay.

As my belly grew so did my perspective & I began struggling with the "baby of the family" going from 4 legs to 2.  I had this guilt I'd lose my special bond with Hampton & he'd grow to resent me & Addison. People constantly said "you just wait...he'll go from cute & cuddly to annoying.", "we had to get rid of our dog when the baby was born", "you say he's not an outdoor dog now...".  That would echo inside my head during my last trimester as Hampton barked at the television or required a chase around the house before he'd get into his bed at night.  Incessantly sweeping his hair went from being just part of life to raising concern on how that would be when Addison came.  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to sit & relax around him with Addison & that our lives would become separate.

With a HUGE sigh of relief 19 days have gone by & I've realized that Hampton wasn't my practice baby.  Although he has 4 legs & isn't a real baby...he is such a HUGE part of our family.  Addison probably won't know Hampton as "doggie" but as "brother" because that is what we call him.  He taught us the importance of consistency, abiding love & patience...things that have been so important with his "sister's" arrival.

My fears have been completely put to rest...He LOVES his sister & she is completely enamored with him.  They just stare at each other in the sweetest way...it melts my heart.  I have become even more anal about sweeping & do get slightly more annoyed chasing him to put him in his bed but my love for him hasn't changed.  He usually sits at my feet wherever I am & looks around the house for Addison when he can't find her.  He tries to jump up if you are standing holding her & if you are sitting down he snuggles up beside you after giving her a few little kisses on her toes. 

bare with the poor quality of the photos.  they were from my iphone & Hamp was a moving target:

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