Sunday, March 13, 2011

7 annoying people you'll meet in your pregnancy

now that my pregnancy is public it seems like everyone wants to give me their "advice" & their opinions on what i "should" & "shouldn't" do because it's how they experienced pregnancy and/or 1st time motherhood.  while i am appreciative of their "care" & "concern", i have to admit it's becoming quite annoying
let me qualify that by saying i totally appreciate people sharing their experiences as new moms, their pregnancy experiences & things that worked for them. i am annoyed by the criticism, negativity & comparison of pregnancies as if i am doing something wrong.
"you shouldn't run", "you shouldn't lift weights", "you shouldn't have any caffeine", "don't buy a warmer for your baby wipes, it's a waste of money", "baby booties are just for mom's", "you are going to have no life", "you aren't eating enough", don't do this, don't do that....ENOUGH ALREADY
then there is the person who asks how your pregnancy has been so far & if you have had morning sickness. when i happily say my pregnancy has been wonderful & i haven't had any morning sickness they respond with "well you are going to have a terrible labor or colicky baby".

it's comical! 

ironically in this month's issue of "american baby", there is an article called "7 ANNOYING PEOPLE YOU'LL MEET DURING YOUR PREGNANCY". here is their list with how i have already experienced these people.
1. the know it all.i surely have meet 1 or 2 or 20 of these. it's quite amazing how everyone feels qualified to weigh in on my exercise & eating habits.  it's astonishing how many people try to tell me that exercising while pregnant is putting my baby at risk. my OBGYN praises the fact that i am still active & has encouraged me to remain active because it will help me throughout my pregnancy, labor & postpartum.  this person says "you just need to indulge, pregnancy is a time to not care about what you eat. i ate mcdonalds everyday." hmmmm....who is putting their baby at risk?! why would i become sedentary now that i am pregnant & why would i change my healthy eating habits to bad habits because i am makes absolutely no sense.
2. the bad news bearer. this person is compelled to tell me every horrific birth story they have ever heard of. every possible thing that can go wrong throughout pregnancy & how much they hate their life now that they are a parent.
3. the begrudging boss. thankfully haven't experienced this one.
4. the watchful ones. these people survey what you are eating & where you are spending your time. they look you up and down & quiz you on your decisions and choices as if they know better than you.  they zero in on your midsection without making eye contact while they talk to you as if there is a blinking light on your stomach.
5. the belly groper. yes i am going there because I DON'T have a belly. STOP touching my non-existent pregnant belly. i am totally okay with it when i have the official baby bump. until then don't touch me. you wouldn't have touched my mid-section prior to finding out i am pregnant, so don't do it now.
6. the busybody. ahhh, the invasive person who wants to know every detail of what you are planning to do so they can tell you what they did & why your plans are incorrect. "are you going to co-sleep because it's the best way to bond with your baby." they think they know way more than you do & disapprove of any decision you make that doesn't coincide with what they did. surely having a child qualifies them as a parenting/pregnancy expert. they must know more then my OBGYN.
7. the drop in. obviously haven't experienced this one yet. 

i think this comes in all facets of life. college, engagement, marriage, buying a new car, buying a house, work. i think it's because most people are socially awkward & don't know how to celebrate other people & their experiences.  people feel the need to congratulate people by telling them their own story, rather then just being there & supportive for somebody else.

i wish people would get that i am not completely oblivious to the fact that my life is going to radically change in 5's changing now. i am aware that i have never been a parent before and will face many challenges & obstacles. i readily admit i am clueless & will have to figure out a lot as i go.

the point is...if i want to buy baby booties for my 2 day old, don't criticize me because you think they are silly because they fall off all the time.
if i feel great exercising and stay fit while i am pregnant and you didn't, don't try and make me feel bad about it. 
if i want to buy hats/headbands for my 6 month old that will pull them off, who cares. 
if i want to spend, what you perceive as an exuberant amount of money, on a diaper's my money & i didn't ask you to buy it for me. 
because i am experiencing pregnancy differently than you did, or plan to parent differently or buy things for my kid that you didn't,  doesn't mean that you had a better or worse experience, or that you are right and i am's not a competition. 
let me enjoy being pregnant & becoming a first time mum


  1. WOW Holly!!! I haven't meet you....but i like you already. Very well said!

  2. Wow, I really wish you would just say how you feel. Stop beating around the bush already. lol
    Seriously, Ivy and I are very happy for the three of you----woops I mean four of you. ( can't forget Hampton but then how could I since he will soon be the next utube sensation. ha )
    My advice -------enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and after your child is born, enjoy every day of their lives. There is nothing on this earth more beautiful than an expectant mother who is thrilled about the new life growing in her body. You are beautiful!!! Love you guys.
