Wednesday, August 10, 2011

full moon baby theory

this is totally silly & i am quite sure it isn't evidence based BUT this saturday happens to be a full moon....hmmmm.

the theory is that the moon’s gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid the same way as it effects the water in the sea & rivers. naturally, as a woman’s body prepares for childbirth, the amniotic sac becomes distended to a point where it will easily burst if put under pressure. typically the cause of it rupturing is the pressure of labor contractions. the theory says that during a full moon, the pressure caused by the moon’s effect on the water inside the sac can cause a rupture of membranes sending women into labor. interesting.....

as an ER nurse i can certainly attest that a full moon draws in an increased amount of pt's...especially strange people & psychiatric patients.  we have a HUGE number of involuntary commitments that wind up holding in the ER during the full moon. does that mean if your baby is born on a full moon they will be crazy?! LOL

i would have to assume the only truth behind the theory is that a women is already extremely close (like within days) to or at/past her due date.  is it really the moon or just that the women's body was already ready & coincidentally there was a full moon. i read that if you are within 2-3 weeks of your due date it is likely to effect you as well...hmmmmm.  

i am intrigued, although i don't believe the theory.  our bodies are designed for a natural protective process. when the body is done doing it's job & the baby is ready to come they are going to come despite your anxiousness.  

it is sort of fun to imagine addison being born on saturday though...i am not going to lie, i would be thrilled!

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