Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy 10 Months

She has officially reached the double digits & planning for her FIRST birthday is in full swing.   

She hasn't been weighed since last month's well check-up but I'd guess she's still around 15.6-15.10 lbs.  She doesn't look or feel like she has gained much weight, if any. She undoubtedly has gotten longer, as she is growing out of footed pj's in length left & right. She looks so grown up in her 2 piece footless jammies.
She is still in a size 2 diaper & wearing mostly 3-6 months (some 6-9 months).

2, holding down the bottom gum line.  I swear she has been trying to cut her top 2 FOREVER but they still haven't broken the skin.

Her hair is getting super long, wavy & wild.  Thankfully she still wears headbands & clips without taking them out because she looks like a hot mess without them.  She is completely obsessed with her hair, twirling it constantly.

SILLY, strong-willed, social, affectionate, CUDDLY, curious, HAPPY. 

Still nursing 4-5 times a day, eating 3 meals & sometimes a snack.
These days for breakfast she usually has a scrambled egg yolk with fruit, or mini egg yolk muffins made with coconut milk & veggies, coconut flour pancakes with sunflower butter & fruit, or another source of protein, veggie & fruit.  Snacks typically consist of soft cooked veggies, dried fruits, sunflower butter with apple slices, homemade grain free crackers, etc.  Lunch/dinner is always a protein & vegetable; anything from homemade beef stew, crab cakes to grilled chicken/fish.  She is my good eater!  She drinks water from a sippy cup. There literally isn't a food she won't eat which makes meal time fun & easy.  She pretty much eats whatever Philip & I are having these days. 

She is back into her normal sleep routine. Bedtime is around 7:30 & she has been waking up around 7am.  Lately she has been taking a long morning nap (about 2 hours), going down around 9am after our morning run & breakfast.  Afternoon naps have been super variable but she hasn't slept more than an hour in the afternoon since we came back from Hawaii. She sleeps with Mr. McQuacken (her stuffing-less duck) cuddled up in her arms with her little bum pointed up in the air.

She is NEVER quiet.  If it isn't babbling it's "Ma-Ma", "Da-Da", "sat" (what's that), "duck", "den-den" (Hampton), "dog", "hi", "bye-bye", "puppa" (my Dad), "off","shoe". She giggles constantly too.

Stuff she is doing:
She loves to kick...anything & everything that is kick-able (future soccer player?).  She can sign "more" & "milk".  She has completely mastered clapping her hands & is constantly doing it. She loves waving hello & bye-bye. She also points out of curiosity when she says "sat".  She has recently started pointing when she says "no-no" as well. She shakes her head yes & no & my mum recently taught her how to bobble her head, it's hilarious. She has started throwing mini temper tantrums...unbelievable! She loves to share: food, name it. She is climbing& cruising everywhere, she is completely fearless. She lets go & stands independently for 10+ seconds at a time as she moves from one thing to another only using one hand. She loves to bounce & jump...she just loves to move, period. She's super imitative. Lately she has been imitating Hampton panting. Crazy girl! She loves to sing. She "sing-babbles" along to anything she can while shaking her little body to the beat, she is my little music lover.  

SWIMMING! Playing "peek-a-boo".The Backyardagains, Sesame Street & Curious George. Being in the side position in the ERGO. Hampton. My high heels. Bath time. Cuddling. Food. Going for runs. Walking while holding onto to somebody's fingers. Kids. Wind blowing in her face. Having her hair brushed. Being naked.

Having her diaper changed. Being told no. Having something taken away from her.

Each time I sit down to write the updates I am amazed at how fast she is growing/changing.  I am also amazed how certain personality traits have been evident from the beginning & I love seeing them flourish & develop.  While it breaks my heart "losing" my baby as she grows into a toddler, it also excites me watching her figure the world out. Someday she will change the world.


  1. Oh my goodness. I love these photos- especially the top right one of the first collage. She is a little doll! Beautiful girl.

  2. It was precious to watch her yesterday during the worship service, clapping her hands and kicking along to the music!
