Sunday, April 15, 2012


I could barely hold back tears as we entered Marbles Kids Museum in downtown Raleigh today.  Stroller after stroller (mostly dualies) filed in behind us & we were in a sea of beautiful babies/toddlers.  WOW, how proud Carolina Conceptions must feel...if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have our little miracles.  It definitely tugged at my heartstrings.  As I looked around I saw familiar faces from the waiting room, medication classes & just passing down the hallways...YAY for them us, that it worked! We got to hear stories from other families that struggled with infertility & celebrate with them.  Addison being a "singleton" was rare; There were twins & triplets EVERYWHERE! It was such a different interaction with the doctors & staff.  Most of the time spent at Carolina Conceptions was filled with so much let down & heartache/pain.  Today was all about celebration & joy.  How cool of Carolina Conceptions to not only have a baby reunion but to pay for our entrance into Marbles. 

Addison definitely had a great time. She is still a little small for the Museum but still enjoyed what she could.  She especially loved the fish tank, the sports area with foam dumbbells/basketballs, gymnastic rings, coloring in the art station & playing outside.  She loved all the attention & definitely enjoyed playing with the other babies too.  Wow, what a neat day today was.


  1. I really love your hair dark! Every time I see a new picture I think that!

  2. thank you! i am still adjusting & can't decide whether I love it or would rather be a blondie again
