Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Holy Moly she has grown!! She weighed in at 11 lbs 8 oz (2 lb more than her 1 month appointment). She is in the 60th percentile for weight. She is 23 1/2 inches long (2 inches longer than her 1 month appointment) and she is in the 70th percentile for height. Her head circumference was 37 1/2 inches (1 inch greater than her 1 month appointment), she's only in the 20th percentile for her head. Good thing he doesn't have a big noggin!

To my pleasant surprise they have combined one of the vaccines into 1 which would previously have been 3 individual shots and one of the vaccinations was oral. She ended up only getting 2 shots...thank goodness. She screamed bloody murder when she actually got the shot but was easily consoled with some kisses & snuggling with her mummy. Well, after spitting up what seemed like her entire stomach content all over the front of me. She is snoozing now which is already better then her 2nd Hep B vaccine at 1 month. We'll see how she does the rest of the day & night...I am feeling optimistic.
Dress: 77 Kids //Navy Tights (not seen in picture): H&M //Headband: TuTooCuteTutus

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