Sunday, August 5, 2012

happy 11 months

She weighed in at 16.9 lbs at the doctors last week.  Because it was a sick visit they didn't measure her but she is getting longer by the minute. 
She is still in a size 2 diaper, wearing mostly 3-6 months & 6-9 months.

2 on the bottom. Top right has come in completely, top left has broken the gum line & 2 other top teeth are now visible. This girl deserves a medal...4 teeth at one time & not a peep.

PIG TAILS!?! By far one of my top 10 "mom moments". I can't wait to be able to do other things with her hair, especially since she is so super cooperative. While she is the spitting image of me as a child I can really see Philip in a lot of her facial expressions. 

It's amazing to watch her little personality emerge.  She is so nosy & focused on what's going on around her.  She is a social butterfly & loves to show affection: hugs, kisses, cuddling, stroking your arm, twirling your hair. She loves to share! Her independence is emerging more & more...oh, my she is strong-willed! She is so HAPPY. 

We started the weening process & she is only nursing 3 times a day, eating 3 meals & 2 snacks. Breakfast usually constants of scrambled whole eggs, veggie & egg fritters, coconut toast with sunbutter, coconut french toast, coconut flour pancakes, fresh fruit, bacon...whatever I am in the mode for. She is really into paleo fig newton cookies I make. There isn't a vegetable or fruit she doesn't like & we have recently learned that she REALLY likes spicy food. She drinks water from a sippy cup.

Bedtime is around 7:30 & she wakes up around 7am.  Lately she has been taking a long morning nap (about 2 hours), going down around 9am after our morning run & breakfast.  She takes about an hour afternoon nap. You will still find her cuddled up with her zebra blanket & Mr. McQuacken (her stuffing-less duck) cuddled up in her arms. If her bum isn't pointed up in the air she literally leans forward from a sitting position (bent at the waist) and falls asleep.

People are constantly commenting on the amount of actual words she says & how she babbles non-stop.  She is talking up a storm. "Uh-oh" has now entered her vocab, "oh no", "all done", woof-woof", "Ma-Ma", "Da-Da", "sat" (what's that), "duck", "den-den" (Hampton), "dog", "hi", "bye-bye", "puppa" (my Dad), "off","shoe". She has recently started humming & if you say "la-la-la" she will do it back.

Stuff she is doing:
She is incredibly imitative.  If you clap your hands she will clap her hands.  If you say "ahhhh" after taking a refreshing sip of water, she will copy you.  She bobbles her head all over the place & head bangs to music. She is a dancing machine...there is no sitting still if music is on. Either her foot is tapping or her little bum is wiggling. She can sign "more", "please", "eat" & "milk". She takes a few independent steps but once she falls she is right back to crawling, although, she is standing and cruising constantly.  She races around the house with her push walker & maneuvers herself from piece of furniture to furniture. She loves to put things inside of each other.  She is still twirling her hair when she is tired & still occasionally sucks her thumb. She is in a big kissing phase & has recently learned how to blow kisses.  We are in the process of teaching her how to hold up 1 finger when you ask how old she is.  She cocks her chin to her shoulder in a bashful way & is a big time FLIRT.

Not much has changed since last month. She still lights up when she sees Hampton...she completely  adores him. She loves to climb & if there is something "kickable" you better believe she is going to kick it.  She loves being held upside down & falling backwards.  She loves to go running in the BOB & the faster the better.  She loves to eat LAMB...holy moly, this girl LOVES lamb.  I have never seen her get so excited about food. She loves to lay back in your lap & have you play with her hair. She loves being told that she is beautiful or pretty. She loves to climb.  She loves big kids & isn't shy about jumping in and trying to do what they are doing.  She loves to look at herself in the mirror & will play for 20 minutes with a baby doll just babbling away.  She loves her Daddy.  She darts over to the door when she hears him pull into the garage, it completely melts my heart. She loves if you blow in her face or kiss her gently on her neck.  She is never without her Zebra blanket or Mr. McQuacken. 

Having her diaper changed. Having her face wiped after eating. Being told no. Having something taken away from her.

No sappy words this month...I'll save them all for her 12 month update. 


  1. I love the mirror picture - so adorable!

  2. Thank you Andrea. I saw a picture floating around pinterest a LONG time ago & have been waiting to take it myself.
