Monday, April 4, 2011

and the baby is....

there have been many incredible moments of my life: philip proposing, my wedding day, graduating from college & finding out that i was pregnant.  finding out the baby's gender today was definitely another one of those moments.
we had our family that lives in the area & a few of close friends over for a little party to reveal the gender. 
{getting things set up}

{some of the food}
{some of the blue/pink decorations}
{another table shot}
{"he"-"she" bars}

{cream cheese pound cake cupcakes c/ appropriately gender colored white chocolate mousse filling & butter cream frosting}

{excited after the bite to find out the gender}
{tabor tot is baby "A"}
{baby "A" is for Addison. we are having a little girl}
{my sister super excited at the end of the night because she wore pink to "cast her vote"}
{philip being silly with a pink peep in his mouth}

so tabor tot now has a gender & a name. we couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations guys!! The Gandy's love you all and we are so proud of you. Our faith has been increased because our prayers have been answered.

    Phillip go ahead and break out the guns. I believe with Jeff Mynard in your corner you should be alright!
