Monday, February 27, 2012


Today was yet another schizophrenic North Carolina "winter day".  It was cold & rainy. The 70 & 80 degree weather we've had intermittently this "winter" has certainly spoiled me.  I was in my usual Monday zombie state of mind (I work Sunday nights from 7pm-3am) & although laying around the house in my pajamas all day sounded magnificent it definitely wasn't going to be productive.  Addison & I met up with Donna & sweet baby Malcom at one of the local libraries for infant story time & a little play date. The kiddos had a BLAST! They are 10 days apart & we've been getting together since they were about 3 weeks. It's AMAZING to watch their interaction each time we get together & how much it evolves.  They laughed, squealed & constantly touched each other.  Adorable is an understatement.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


One of my absolute most favorite blogs to read is Apartment Therapy & their sister blog Ohdeedoh. Unfortunately Ohdeedoh no longer exists but Apartment Therapy has a dedicated Family section.  A couple of weeks ago this post caught my eye, Oversized Ruler Growth Chart & inspired me. The one that most caught my attention was the one from Dear Lillie.

Philip bought a 6 ft piece of finished wood for $14.00 from Lowes.  We had already had stain in various shades, black paint & paint brushes. Philip cut the board to 5 1/2 ft. First he put a light stain on it. Once it was dry  I measured & painted the ruler markings on the board, using the numbers as feet, not inches. Next we brushed a darker stain on it & wiped it off with a rag. Once it was dry we put a clear protective glaze over it (we already had that too). We also had picture hanging hardware which Philip installed on the back. Once we figured out where we were going to hang it we took into account our large baseboards. Philip measured from the bottom of the baseboard to 6 feet & installed the bracket 1.5 inches from the top. It's the perfect to our living room!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Some of my favorite pictures from our week.
{it's never too early for her to love Elle}

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I caught her in the act.

I have such mixed emotions about this.  In one aspect it's adorable but on the other hand it completely horrifies me.  I definitely don't want her to be an 8 year old still sucking her thumb.  At first I thought it was related to teething but it's definitely become a comfort to her.  Lately she has been doing it when she is tired as she twirls the hair. I obviously can't do anything about it right now because she is too little. I am hoping it's just a phase. I have to admit it is sort of cute.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


She, WE, did it!  I put my big girl mommy britches on & took Addison to the gym nursery & she survived.  Not only did she survive but they didn't have to get me from my cycling class & they said she was great! Huge sigh of relief as a little hurdle is conquered.

There is a lot going around the house these days. My garage is slowing starting to pile up with Craig's List steals & other various finds. I am trying to tackle one project at a time & I am doing a pretty good job keeping up.  The living room is almost done...FINALLY! My biggest project right now is that I am turning the office closet into a craft/sewing space (thank you Pinterest for my inspiration) my kitchen table isn't cutting it anymore. I can't wait to show the pictures of how awesome it is turning out (I'll save all the pics for one post). The bedroom is sort of at a stand still but that is totally okay because I am plenty busy with everything else.  Several people have approached me about buying headbands from me since I make so many of Addison's & a few people have suggested opening an ETSY shop. I am tossing that idea around & it will definitely be more feasible once I have a dedicated craft space completed but I haven't decided if that is something I want to tackle.
{12x12 pillow covers I sewed with an envelope back//fabric from Ikea ages ago}

{she LOVES her walker}

{i love how her hair is winging out on the left side}

I am also finishing up a wooden growth chart for Addison that I was inspired by from a post on Apartment Therapy. I can't wait to finish it & share it.  Who would have thought I would have become so domestic?!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Early this morning after I finished my shift at the hospital (when I should have been sleeping), I was lying awake thinking of all the "first" moments I've had over the last 5 months & how many more I have to come. I was thinking about how everyday we achieve a milestone whether it's little or big. Last night was a BIG one & tonight is an even bigger...for me. Since I am only working casually in the ER, I am lucky enough that I don't have to leave Addison very often & when I do it's with Philip.  Sure, I have left her for an hour here & there with my parents & Philip's mom but I have never "left" her with somebody else & nobody other than Philip & I have put her to bed. Last night my Mum stayed at our house with her until I came home from work because Philip was away. It was a HUGE step for me.  I totally trust my Mum & know she is 100% capable of taking excellent care of Addison (after all, she did raise me), it's just something I haven't had to do in 5 months & have had a lot of anxiety about.  She did fantastic & although I left with much trepidation her sweet little giggles in the background made it much easier to slip out the door. I called when I got to the hospital & she was still laughing in the background which made it easy to get through my shift.  Mum texted me after she was asleep & she was snug as a bug when I got home early this morning. She was definitely happy to see me when she woke up at 7am & I was excited to see her.  It makes my sleep deprived Monday's so worth while!
{She looks slightly terrified}

{the "okay mom, get your dumb picture" look}

{Some of the faces she was shooting herself on the Macbook}

Tonight I am leaving her in the nursery at the gym while I take a cycling class....HUGE! My friends without children are probably reading this thinking I am a crazed lunatic.  I never thought I would have separation anxiety but sometimes I think I may have it worse than Addison.  They are mommy steps & I am taking them.

Friday, February 17, 2012


If you have ever been around Addison you know that you are sure to see 1 of 3 things (or all 3) in hand. 1) Sophie the giraffe 2) her zebra blankie 3) Mr. McQuacken, her stuffing-less duck. Our friends Sarah & Jesse bought Addison the duck, which is supposed to be a pacifier holder, before she was born. I was sad at first when Addison wouldn't take a pacifier, partially because of the cuteness of this ducky pacifier holder. Because he has a limp, stuffing-less body & rattle head we introduced Addison to him early & she has grown pretty attached to him over the last few months. I am not sure if it's because of how light weight he is that she can vigorously shake him or how plush & cuddly he is. Lately she puts his bill in her mouth, shaking her head side to side & laughs hysterically. I think this is going to be one of those things that I should buy a duplicate of just in case because he is the most loved ducky for sure. I think it's adorable when kids have favorite items they can't live without. I mean, I am 28 years old & still have my blankie.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Addison's 1st Valentine's Day Card

I have big hopes & dreams for Addison! One of my biggest hopes for her is that she will be a kind, warm, loving, person. I pray that she will never be a "mean girl".  Philip & I are committed to teach Addison about love & the importance of loving others. She won't be raised to be condemning or judgmental but to except others as they are.  We want to teach her how to find joy in loving & being kind to others.  Whether it's walking up to a random stranger in a store & giving them a gift card or inviting the "smelly" kid to sit at her lunch table, we will teach Addison how important it is to put others before herself. We will teach her to share & how to be a giver.   She will learn to be compassionate, respectful & thoughtful. We will teach Addison about Jesus & His love for us in any opportunity we have & Valentines Day is a fantastic opportunity. I want her to learn that the "I love you" enscribed on candy hearts means so much more than three words. That love is an action. We will teach her that loving other people is something to be celebrated every day in how you treat them, Valentine's Day is just an extra special day. We will teach her through our own actions towards each other, Addison & strangers. THIS is why Valentine's Day & every other holiday is going to be celebrated in my house. By seeing us get excited about these things & watching us give gifts of kindness, time, compassion, respect, and thoughtfulness to people it reinforces what we will be teaching her daily.  It gives her a reason to be excited about it. I will be one of those mom's that makes heart shaped pancakes & strings heart shaped garland across the fire place. I will tuck little "love notes" away that she will find that let her know all the reasons I love her.  I will make cupcakes for her class & we will spend time making valentines for EVERY student in her class. I pray that she gets excited about doing it. In turn I hope on any random day if a peer didn't have a snack at snack time that she would share. That she would tell me if somebody in her class didn't have lunch money & that she'd ask me for money to give to that kid. So yes, we will start these lessons at 5 months old & continue forever because I want her to know how incredibly special she is, what a gift she is. I want her to know how loved she is...that way if she is the kid that gets picked on or doesn't get a Valentine it won't matter to her because she knows how much Jesus, her Mum & Dad love her.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Since Valentines Day is yet another holiday that seems to be associated with food/sweets, I figured I would share another one of my favorite snacks. I LOVE almonds! It's one of my favorite snacks & eat them so frequently that I now order them in 5 lb quantities from a food co-op I order other organic foods from. They tend to get a little boring by themselves since I buy them raw & sometimes adding a handful of blueberries doesn't do the trick. One of my absolute favorite ways to eat them is with a little dark cocoa & stevia.
Almonds, preferably raw because they are much better for you (you can buy them at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc)
Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Cocoa
Butter flavored cooking spray

Put the desired amount of almonds you wish to coat in a seal-able container. Don't fill the container to the top because you will be shaking the almonds to coat them & you want to ensure they are evenly coated.  Spray the almonds with the butter spray & vigorously shake them.  You may need to repeat several times in order to thoroughly coat the almonds.  Next add approximately 1 teaspoon of Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Cocoa & approximately 2 teaspoons of Stevia.  The measurements will vary based on the amount of almonds you are coating & your desired level of sweetness.  Shake the almonds until they are coated with the stevia & cocoa.
Now you have a sweet & satisfying snack that is loaded with Magnesium, protein, monounsaturated-heart healthy fats, vitamin E, Potassium, riboflavin & other great nutritional benefits. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I am pretty particular when it comes to my running shoes. I had the "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" mentality for a long time & have been sporting Nike for as long as I can remember. It's only been in the last few years Nike's running shoe credibility has taken a hit, thanks to the whole barefoot running bandwagon. The bandwagon to which I swore I would never jump on...{insert sneaker in mouth here}. I caved & I am soooooo happy I did. I am 100% sold & LOVE my new Merrell Pace Glove running sneakers.

They are Vibram-soled, super lightweight & stable. The minimalist design encourages your foot to hit in the natural landing position, creating less impact & keeps your stride more aligned. I have ran several times in them & I LOVE them! I would highly recommend!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Valentines Day preparation is underway & I am soooooooo EXCITED!  I've never really made a big deal about Valentines Day; in fact, we usually get take out & stay home.  We usually don't exchange gifts or even give each other cards (the no card exchange is tied back to a King of Queens episode).  Since having Addison I have really wanted to start some traditions; things to get her excited about holidays.  We decided our new Valentines Day tradition is going to be that we make each other presents from Addison & we are going to buy Addison something special.  Boy oh boy Philip is in for a treat!?! This morning I was messing around with Addison & a few of the props I made for our Valentines Day party. Hehehe, Philip is in for a treat!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We have a joke in our house that Addison will refer to all dogs as brother, not doggie. I hoped & prayed that Hampton & Addison would bond, mostly that Hampton would be sweet to Addison.  From day 1 they have shown an interest in each other but as they both are growing you can truly see that bond form. It's incredibly special.  If you want to see Addison's face light up & hear her sweet little squeal, a sure fire way is to bring Hampton within her eye sight.  She just talks & talks & talks to's so sweet. She absolutely ADORES him & he LOVES her.  He sniffs around for her when he can't find her & he is sure to be at your feet if Addison is in your arms.  He is so patient when she touches him. I actually thinks he loves how gently she rubs her tiny hand on his fur because he tilts his chin up in a "ohhh right here fashion".  Addison reaches with her fingers sprawled out, eyes lit with anticipation as she touches his furry body and then she crinkles her nose. I love it when she crinkles her nose!  We are obviously super cautious; we never leave her unattended with Hampton & one of us is always right there.  I am curious see how he is once she is even more mobile, especially because as Hampton ages the more docile he becomes.

[hehehe, this girl & her facial expressions]

Monday, February 6, 2012


I don't think I could make it through some days without coffee. Today was one of those days. Not because of Addison but this beast of a cold is rockin' my world & stealing all my energy.  Thank you Caribou, Caribou Blend (I know, it's totally wrong that I am drinking Caribou coffee from a Starbucks mug), frothed unsweetened almond milk & stevia for your yummy goodness. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012


This weather has been gorgeous & we have been taking full advantage of it; long walks, story time on a blanket in the backyard, playing at the park...the perfect springtime day.  IT'S FEBRUARY!  I love winter & have missed it this year! (I know I am completely insane). Oddly enough I actually like this springtime weather we've had the past few months. Addison loves to be outside & seeing her big smile when the wind blows in her face makes me want to be outside even more. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I have a ton of friends that are currently pregnant...SO EXCITING!?! I love the "is this normal", "did this happen to you", "___ just happened" texts, emails & phone calls!! With so many of them recently finding out the gender & starting their registries, I've had a lot of questions about what to register for, where to register, what items I cannot live without, etc.  Here is my list of what I have found the most useful & things I cannot live without.   You will notice there things omitted from my list that are on most registry guides & that is because Addison either didn't like it so it didn't work for us & we didn't find it useful; therefore we didn't feel we needed it. I only listed brands for certain items because I LOVE them.

gear + equipment
Infant car seat
Bouncy seat
Travel crib or Pack n’ Play
Baby Carrier
Car mirror
Tummy Time mat
Play gym
Car window shades
Sophie teething giraffe

Bottle warmer
Bottle sterilizer
Bottle drying rack
Burp cloths
QUALITY electric breast pump + accessories: Medela In Style Advanced
Nursing pads
Nursing cream
Nursing pillow
Nursing cover
Baby dish wear (spoons, bowls, sippy cups)
Diaper bag
Diapers- 100% sold on Pampers as far as disposable diapers are concerned.  If I could have gotten Philip to buy in I totally would have done cloth. 
Unscented, sensitive wipes- I like Pampers Sensitive Thick
Wipes travel case
Scented diaper sacks
Disposable changing pads- I lay them down on the kangaroo changing table stations & then put my diaper bag & Addison's portable changing pad on top.  Those changing stations are germtastic & the idea of resting my diaper bag/Addison's changing pad on it totally grosses me out.
Travel changing pad (usually comes in most diaper bags)
Diaper cream: HUGE fan of Baby Bee by Burt's Bees
Changing pad for nursery
Changing pad cover for nursery
bathing + hygeine
Infant bath tub- I LOVED our Puj Tub.  
Shampoo: HUGE fan of Baby Bee by Burt's Bees
Body wash: HUGE fan of Baby Bee by Burt's Bees
Lotion: HUGE fan of Baby Bee by Burt's Bees
Brush and comb
Washcloths: Aden+Anais muslin washcloths. They are super soft & thick
Hooded towels
Bath toys
Nail Clippers
Rubbing Alcohol & Cotton Swabs or Q-tips
Nasal bulb syringe (the hospital will give you one of these & it's way better than any one that comes in a kit you can buy)
Mattress pad
Crib sheets
Swaddling blankets: LOVE LOVE LOVE our Aden + Anais muslin swaddle blankets
Mattress Pad cover
Video monitor: Summer Infant Best View Hand Held Color Monitor
Sleep sack- LOVE her Aden + Anais sleep sack
Sound Machine- We have a portable one that way we can take it whenever we travel
Onesies both long & short sleeved
Receiving blanket
Any type of clothes that you want to dress your baby in!-
Don't let people try & convince you that babies live in one piece button up rompers & pajama-like outfits.  It's your baby & you can dress he/she however you choose. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I've only had a few moments in my life where I have wanted to make time stand still. Ummmm, can I just push pause because I totally want to make time stand still?  She is growing up WAY too fast...5 months just knocked on my door. 

It gets better & better, more & more fun each month.  Just when I think that it can't get any better, it does! I hope 5 months is just as good to us as the first 4. 

She is so darn cute! Her hair is a mystery! In most light it's white as snow but when the sun hits it just right you can see a red undertone.  Is she going to be a toe head or strawberry blonde?  I think at this point it's pretty safe to assume that as a baby she won't have her Daddy's dark locks. It's gotten so much longer over the last month...I love it.  It was starting to grow straight up but it's starting to lay flat again.  I think we might have some curls on the horizon, her hair is so fluffy & there is a distinct wave to it when it's wet. We reached new territory yesterday &  we can now put clips/bows in it. 

Those bright baby can I not write about them each month? They have such a sparkle to them & are most definitely the center of attention everywhere we go.  She continues to bat her eye lashes & has now added being bashful into the mix.  She will shoot a giant wide eyed gummy grin towards a stranger & when they speak to her she will quickly turn her head towards me, batting her eyelashes & tucking her head between my neck & shoulder. Trouble makers I tell you, trouble makers.

I am pretty confident her favorite "things" are books.  Her eyes LIGHT UP when she sees them. As soon as she sits in the center of your lap she bounces that little 13 lb body up & down, kicking her legs in forward motion.  She swats the pages & squeals as you start reading to her. Before you can even finish reading the words on the page she is turning it.  Her favorite books seem to be "How Do I love You" & "Goodnight Moon", we read them everyday before her nap.

Her eyes are like lazer beams & she is fascinated with EVERYTHING.  It's hilarious to watch her lock her eyes on something.  Sometimes I sit & say "Addison, Addison, Addison" over & over again trying to get her look my way but can't.  When she is "studying" something, even tickling her tummy doesn't break her gaze, lol. A big source of fascination these days is Hampton. If he is around she can't take her eyes off of him & she practically lunges out of your arms to touch him.  She smiles the biggest of smiles & rubs her hand across his body.  I think they will be best friends. 
She is NOSY!  If somebody is talking in the next room she turns her head at lightening speed their direction & looks at you with pursed lips like "who is that, what are they saying".  When you talk to her she examines your mouth & moves her mouth up/down as if she is gumming the air. I die laughing every time.
The mirror is something that can keep her entertained.  As soon as she catches a glimpse of herself she leans forward & starts babbling away as if she is introducing herself.  If she is tired she plays bashful with it. Sometimes if I am holding her & she is us in the mirror I feel like she is trying to figure out who I am holding.
Last month she was finding her voice. Well, I think she found it & is afraid she is going to lose it. She screams the most high pitched scream over & over & over again as her legs & arms flail around in excitement. She says "ma ma ma ma ma ma", "neh neh, neh, neh, neh", "bib bib bib", "meh", "uh uh uh uh", "eh-neh".  I have figured out that the "uh uh uh uh" noise usually means she wants something, she is either wet or hungry or just wants to be held.  She hisses a "huh huh huh" sound softly & still does her little grunting noise. They are all in the sweetest raspy voice. No more cooing for this baby...she is officially babbling. I think she is going to be a talker.

She laughs at EVERYTHING & her giggle is music to my ears. She loves it when I blow raspberries on her belly or pop into her sight saying "helllllloooooo". Her facial expressions get better by the minute.

Her feet are ALWAYS in her little yogi. I think they are becoming a source of contentment.  If she is sitting on the couch watching a DVD she usually has one hand (yes hand, not fingers) in her mouth & a foot in the other hand. She just sits there saying "ahhhhhhhhhhhh" muffled by the hand in her mouth. 

She rolls around or scoots to what she wants. She is strong willed & you can see the determination as she makes her way towards it.  She pushes her little bum up in the air, pulls herself forward & when she gets bored doing that she practically throws herself onto her back.  She is getting harder to change because she lifts her bum off the table into the air doing a little pelvic thrust & wiggles away.  She can wiggle her little body all the way across her play gym mat completely on her back, using her little legs with pelvis pushed up in the air. I think there will be a lot of chasing going on.

Her periods of sitting independently are a lot longer. She has learned to put 1 hand on the ground to help hold her balance.  Usually the only time she falls forward is when she is reaching for something.  

I think it goes without saying that she still LOVES music.  Usually if she is fussy all I have to do is put music on & she completely calms down. I bought the new Ingrid Michaelson CD & she LOVES it.  We listened to a lot of Rhianna in January...she has become quite familiar with "We Found Love" & you should see her little dance when "Only Girl in The World" plays.  She has a little dancing sock monkey that sings "Only Girl in the World" & she laughs every time I turn it on. Other people on her January playlist included Regina Spektor, Snow Patrol, Maroon 5, David Crowder Band, Anberlin & The Police. 

She touches & grabs everything. Part of our morning routine is me holding her while making coffee. She HAS to touch my empty coffee mug & she lights up touching the Caribou bag.  I usually put her hand on top of the coffee bean grinder & she smiles from the vibration. She will hold a plastic water bottle & bring it to her mouth & her eyes get super big if it's cold. She now transfers toys from hand to hand & sometimes you'll catch her vigorously shaking something in each. It's safe to say that if her hands aren't in her mouth or there is no toy in hand, she is reaching for something.

Still no teeth but there is one trying to make an appearance.  She will put anything in her mouth (as all babies do) except for frozen teething rings.  She hates them.  I'll put it in her mouth & hold it there and she pushes out & her touching/holding it is out of the question. Thank goodness for her Sophie.  That poor little giraffe gets a workout & is usually covered in drool.  She loves to chew on a plastic spoon too.   

She outgrew her Puj tub that was in the bathroom sink & now takes a bath in her duck bathtub in the big bathtub.  She splashes all over the place & only stops to shake her face after she splashes water in her eyes. She LOVES bath time.

I love cuddling with her.  I loved it when she was an infant but love it even more now because she can return the affection.  She rubs her hand on your arm or back & will reach out & hold onto your finger as she makes an "ahhhh" sound with a sigh of contentment. She loves to sit on my lap & will sit for what seems like forever babbling away. She is my sweet, sweet, sweet, affectionate girl.

She is sleeping through the night, going to bed between 7:00-8:00 pm & wakes up at 7:00am.  She has almost completely eliminated her 2nd morning nap & still takes a long afternoon nap. 

She is still breastfeeding like a champ & we haven't started her on any solids.  Right now she is doing great so we won't start her until she is ready. 

She is definitely the source of my delight & has completely flipped my world upside down.  I have traded in my heels for my flats & most often you will find my Tory Burch purse tucked away in her diaper bag then hanging at my side. I would much rather buy her something than myself & have so much fun doing so. I miss her terribly when I am not with her & coming home to her precious smile after working a shift at the hospital is the BEST feeling. She stretches my heart everyday & continues to blow me away.  She is my little buddy, my little mini me.