Sunday, October 30, 2011


As you can tell by the terror in her eyes, she wasn't a fan of being placed in a pumpkin but she sure looked cute!


We carved pumpkins with my niece, nephews & sister in law yesterday afternoon. 

The result was a "dapper cat", "batty cat", "haunted house" & "Sk-elvis"

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Addison was a total trooper last night & definitely got tons of attention @ Trunk or Treat.  Unfortunately she was mistaken for a boy but I guess with the hat on & since she wasn't a cat or a stereotypical "girl" costume, you can't blame people.  Philip got paranoid & pulled out her pink chevron burp rag & attached her pacifier to her costume because the clip is a pink & green Amy Butler design, lol.  It was SUPER hard to find anything that fit Addison that was Halloweenish let alone a costume so we are totally happy with her little Tigress costume.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Eiiikk...I am totally LOVING this weather. The crispness in the air makes it truly feel like fall!  It came just in time for all the fall festivities we have going on this weekend.  Tonight we are passing out candy at Clayton Middle School "Trunk or Treat." Addison has an adorable little costume my parents picked up from the GAP (I'll post pictures tomorrow).  Tomorrow we are carving pumpkins with my niece & nephews & Sunday we have the annual Fall Festival at the Joyner's.  I am SO excited...I LOVE this time of year.  Many of the reasons I love fall: Green Mountain pumpkin spice coffee from Brueggers (or just pumpkin spice K-cups), warm apple crisp...well really anything with apples especially if they are macs! Panera Bread's orchard harvest salad...drool. Tomato soup & chilli. Slouchy sweaters, infinity scarfs & cable knit hats.  Boots & hooded sweatshirts, not together of course.  A warm fire...I could go on & on & on.  I LOVE fall!! I love it even more now that Addison is starting to fit in some of her 0-3 month clothes.  She partook in some of my fall favorites herself today:
shirt: Baby Gap
pants: Baby Gap

Thursday, October 27, 2011


How is it possible that Addison is already 8 weeks?!?!
It's unbelievable how much she has changed in such a short period of time.
She smiles (deliberately) non-stop with the most adorable grin...I love her chubby little cheeks when she smiles. She's is as snuggly as ever & intentionally wraps her arms around you as if she doesn't want to let you go. She has the sweetest little voice & her coos/ahhs constantly, it completely melts my heart! Undoubtedly with Philip & I as her parents she'll be a talker. I called it from the womb...this girl LOVES music! No matter what she's doing as soon as it comes on she darts her head towards the direction the music is coming, smiles & purses her lips while listening so intently. Some of her favorites off her playlist include "Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap, "Yellow" by Coldplay, "My Heart is Overwhelmed" Hillsong Live from God is Able, "Bradenburg Concert No. 2" & "Sonata 8" from Baby Einstein: The Definitive 100 soundtrack. Seriously, you should see her eyes light up when she hears music. She is completely mesmerize by her hands, who needs toys?! She has mastered tummy time & holds her head up fully erect & looks around in such a nosy fashion. Oh & nosy she is. She gazes with endless fascination at herself in the mirror & makes a high pitched coo like she is excited to see herself. Perhaps the most exciting is that she is becoming so much more predictable with sleep/eating habits. 
8 weeks is also somewhat sad for me because it's a few weeks closer to the dreaded 12 week mark when I return to work.  We have some decisions to make regarding that but for now I am going to continue to embrace every moment with her & relish in our one-on-one time. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Sunday's photo session went surprisingly well considering Melissa was working with a 10 month old bulldog & 7 week old baby, oh & of course Philip, jk.  We met at Raleigh Little Theater at 4:30 pm & the lighting was spectacular.  It was a bit challenging to keep Hampton's attention being in an unfamiliar surrounding filled with people & all sorts of excitement.  It didn't help that there were other photographers doing sessions, taking pictures of children nonetheless, shaking bells & hooting/hollering.  By the looks of this picture it didn't really matter & Melissa was able to capture Hampton in all his bulldog glory!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Philip & I have definitely entered a whole new realm of our marriage.  Not too long ago checking the mail didn't seem complete without a wedding invitation, save the date or bridal shower invite.  Suddenly it seems like everyone has moved from "first comes love, then comes marriage" the "then comes the baby in the baby carriage" phase of life. Every time I check the mail there is a new birth announcement or baby shower invite.  IT'S EXTREMELY EXCITING! In the last 2 weeks we have had 2 very dear friends let us in on their secret that they are expecting & we couldn't be happier for both couples!! Other friends of ours, who also struggled with infertility, have just hit the 20 week mark after successful IVF.  Eeeiiik! It completely warms my heart!!  In my subdivision alone there were 4 of us pregnant due within months of each other, not to mention at least 6 kiddos age 1 & under. Addison will have lots of little playmates in the neighborhood. I am out on maternity leave at the same time as 2 co-workers & in the last 1 1/2 years there has been countless babies born within my department.  Is this a baby boom or am I just hyper aware because I now have a baby?!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


In January it will be 2 years since we visited & fell in love with Australia. The natural paradise of the Daintree Rainforest, beautiful countryside in Port Douglas & the breathtaking Great Barrier Reef, the seductive history & amazing architecture in Sydney, the shopping & metro life of Brisbane. Ahhh...I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK!
I can't wait to bring this little cutie there someday soon. Hopefully she will love it as much as we do.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 I am obsessed with STROLLER TRAFFIC. It's a FAB website jam packed with all things baby.  It's expert advice for expecting & mom's to children under 3. If you subscribe, they offer weekly emails that focus on all the hot topics & it has been something I have enjoyed reading since becoming pregnant. Yesterday's issue touched on something all new mom's deal with & I HAVE to share it.

How many times have I talked about touching on here. OMG...I thought it was bad when I was pregnant but actually having the chubby cheeked little cuddle monster has completely shed new light on my touching policies. Philip & I have had a lot of criticism for our hand hygiene policies with Addison and have unfortunately offended quite a few people.  I am a RN, in an emergency room nontheless...should it be shocking that I require people to wash their hands & use hand sanitizer before touching/holding Addison?!?  HANDWASHING IS THE #1 WAY TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DISEASE!! It's not a new concept. Antony van Leeuwenhoek discovered this in the 1600's!

So here is Stroller Traffic's take on the hand washing, or lack their of, issue & how to deal with it:

Hands Off

Nicer ways to say, "Stop touching my baby."

Anna Post, great-great-granddaughter of Emily Post and co-author of the 18th edition of Emily Post's Etiquette, how to handle a variety of real-life germy scenarios, with grace.
A stranger in the supermarket checkout line sticks her finger out for your baby to grab. You have no idea where that finger has been.
"Jump right in, grab your baby's hand yourself so it's occupied, and say, 'Oh, sorry, she's really susceptible to germs right now.' The stranger is trying to be kind, so a 'sorry' is nice here."
The owner of your favorite pizza place, who shakes customers hands all day long, always tries to stroke your baby's cheek.
"This is a tough one. You can try to make it about you, not how germy he is, by saying something like, 'We're trying to minimize germs right now.' But it will be mildly offensive to him. So if it really is your favorite pizza place, you might want to just bring baby wipes to clean your baby's face after—or skip bringing the baby until he's a bit older."
Your devoted housekeeper would love to “kiss those sweet baby lips all day long” if you let her.
"You need to have a conversation about this, because she will be in your home often. Start by rewarding her instinct to be affectionate, saying, 'You're a natural with kids!' Then laugh at yourself a bit and say, 'I'm a new mom and I'm protective. We're encouraging people to do cuddles, but not kisses.'"
Your neighbor’s 5-year-old loves to love your baby, but his “laid-back” mom doesn’t remind him to wash up beforehand or tell him not to touch the baby’s face or hands.
"Say to the child, 'Jimmy, I'd love to have you touch her feet. Let's go wash our hands together first.' If the mom says washing hands isn't necessary, be firm and say, 'I'd really feel better if we washed up first.'"
You run into a friend on the street. She reaches to grab your baby's hand.
"This one is a judgment call. You can definitely say, 'Oh, you know, she's really susceptible to germs right now.' But keep in mind that you are bringing your child into a world with a lot of germs, and if you try to keep her in a total bubble, some people may think it's too much. If it's a good friend, and she's not sick, and she does touch your baby's hand, you can discreetly wash your baby's hand immediately after."
Your mom really wants to hold your baby. It's obvious that she's under the weather, but when you ask her, she denies it . . . because she really wants to hold your baby.
"Use humor here. Keep it light and mother her a little, saying, 'Mom, what are you doing? You need to be in bed, not picking up my baby. One sick person is enough!'"
Your father-in-law is a hand-cougher. And he gets offended when you ask him to wash his hands before holding his grandchild when he visits.
"When people come into your house, let them know up front what you expect of them so they'll know how to interact. This is your child and your house, and you make the rules. You can say right away, 'We ask everyone to take shoes off and wash hands.' Be clear that it's about your standard, not their particular germs. In the case of in-laws, involve your spouse and present a united front. Even if you have the best in-law relationships, it's probably easier for your spouse to be the one enforcing the rules."

The bottom line is if people are offended that you ask them to wash their hands, even if you are providing them with hand sanitizer, then OH WELL. You are responsible for your child & their health and wellness.  While you can't protect them from everything, you most certainly can do your part, especially in their early months when their immune system is the weakest.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

magazine overload

Every time I get the mail from the mailbox there is a new magazine.  American Baby, Fit Pregnancy, Parenting, Taste of Home, Glamour, Elle, Beautiful Home, the endless home magazines likes Restoration Hardware/Pottery Barn, etc.  Some how I have managed to neglect Elle & Glamour for quite some time. I guess having a new baby makes me more drawn towards those magazines for helpful hints, tips?! 

Nice stack right?!?!
This week I am determined to catch up, or at least start. 

Addison is back & happier than ever!  She has been a delight to be around since Friday! I missed my happy girl!  I am relieved because we have a photoshoot with Melissa Palomo  on Sunday & I was SUPER nervous Addison wasn't going to be cooperative. My good friend Emilee who is a photographer told us the exciting news back in May that Melissa would be visiting from California & she is an amazing pet/people photographer.  After we lost Winston we regretted never doing anything like this with him so we jumped on the opportunity to not only have professional pictures of Hampton done, but with such a talented photographer.  I am SO excited.  We asked Chaz to join us since he is such a special part of our lives.  Stay tuned over the next week or so for a sneak peak!!  

Yes, I am posting an outfit picture.  I can't help it...I thought it was adorable. 
Addison with her cousin Hope
headband: picperfect
shirt: heartsinc
skinny jeans: babygap

Friday, October 14, 2011


Addison has a receding hairline! She is loosing all of her dark hair on top & it's being replaced with blonde hair. It's the only place that she is loosing it though.  All her thick, long dark hair is remaining from her ears back. She looks like George Costanza from Seinfield!?!

she thinks that's funny

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I am pretty sure that Addison is in the middle of a growth spurt. Well, I am crossing my fingers that is all this is.  From what I've read it's typical between 4-6 weeks & 6-8 weeks. She is 6 weeks today. Typical signs of a growth spurt: 1) breastfeeding more frequently. CHECK. Just when we settled into a routine of daytime breastfeeding every 3-4 hours & 5-6 hours at night...BAM, hello every 2 hours. 2) Fussier than usual. DOUBLE CHECK-hey MAD-dison...I see you are visiting again. 3) Change in daytime sleeping patterns(Napping less or more). CHECK...she has been an insomniac during the day which only precipitates her fussiness. 4) Restlessness/Hard to settle...CHECK, how about inconsolable.
Most of the literature says that it only lasts 2-3 days but can last up to a week.  It started Tuesday & so far there is no end in sight...oh please, please, please don't let it last a week!
All joking aside, I really just feel bad for her & her growing pains. She got the short end of the stick & was given my fair/sensitive skin. Crying...let's be real, SCREAMING, makes her hot & sweaty which causes her sweet little face to break out. She gets super red & her poor little eyes get swollen...just like me. She is ravenous while feeding & screams which causes her to spit up what seems like everything she ate, then she gets the hiccups which wake her up as soon as her little peepers shut. Poor baby.

Thankfully she LOVES having a bath.  Even in the midst of the worst tantrum when her little bum hits the water her whole body relaxes, she coos & smiles to her little hearts delight.  I have been so thankful for these moments because it reassures me these are only growing pains.

 Happy 6 weeks Addison. I love you more than you will ever know!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I love my mornings with Addison especially as she is getting older. The morning is by far her most alert period of the day & when she is the most fun.  She is so sweet, playful & cuddly.
 I melt in the moments of her laying on my chest in just her diaper & listening to her sweet little coos. She has mastered tummy time & it makes me smile to watch her lift her head & move it side to side to see what's going on. She is even lifting it completely upright...we usually have starring contests!   I usually sip on my coffee while she is propped up her up in her boppy & every now & then she'll shoot me some giant smiles.  She typically stays awake for a good 2 hours after she initially waking up in the morning & then goes down for her morning nap which is when I have been sneaking in the weight workouts/shower etc. 
We usually go for a 45 min walk when she wakes up but it's raining today so that's out of the question.  
The mornings are definitely my favorite part of the day. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

i love dressing her up

what she is wearing today
 She has sooooooooooo many ADORABLE clothes but her petite little frame is still too small for most of them. She is still wearing newborn, which we didn't buy a ton of, so I feel like she wears the same things all the time, lol.  Nonetheless, I LOVE dressing her up! As she is growing she is able to wear more headbands & we can get away with putting her in certain 0-3 month pieces like sweaters & dresses.  Philip has been getting onto me about taking more pictures of her in her outfits. I promised him I'd be better at it & I guess I'll occasionally share some on here. 
what she wore Sunday minus the beige cardigan & booties

Friday, October 7, 2011


Addison had her one month (CRAZY!?!) appointment yesterday which entailed getting her second Hepatitis B vaccination.  Ummm...NOBODY WARNED ME!!! Everyone told me to give her tylenol before getting the vaccine to prevent fevers but nobody said she'd cry ALL day & become an insomniac. She took a little cat nap before her 11 am appointment & DID NOT sleep until 7:15 last night.  It wouldn't have been so bad if she was screaming & inconsolable.  I felt helpless & completely inadequate because nothing I did worked.  The only thing that appeared to work was nursing. It consoled her & obviously kept her from crying while she was actually nursing but the exchange was incessant spitting up from screaming after.  Every time I thought I'd get her down, I'd put her in her crib, swaddle her & she'd SCREAM again.  Needless to say, I spent more time with MAD-DISON yesterday then my sweet baby ADDISON.  Finally after lots of tears from both of us, she stopped fighting sleep & slept from 7:15 until 11:20.  Sounds great right?!  She woke up wailing & here was a repeat of the day.  Finally after walking, bouncing, rocking, singing, nursing, changing, shushing she dozed off around 2:00 am.  I did something I am completely against & swore I would never do. I brought her into our bed, laid her on my chest & propped myself up against the headboard.  This is where she slept until 5:45 am.   I just couldn't bare to attempt to swaddle her & go through it all over again.  I know BIG MOM FOUL. When she woke up at 5:45 to nurse I managed to get her to sleep in her crib again & she slept until 7:45.  So far so good...she had a great alert/wakeful period without fussing until now where she is sweetly resting her head with her eyes closed on my chest inside the Baby Bjorn. It's early for her to go down for her morning nap but I am sure she is exhausted from yesterday.  I AM!!  Hopefully the worst is over & sweet happy Addison has returned!
On a positive note, she had a GREAT report at the Dr's.  
Weight: 9 lb 10 oz (she gained 10 oz in 10 days which is right on target)
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Head Circumference: 36 inches 
Weight: 7 lb 4 oz
Length: 19 3/4 inches
Head Circumference 33 inches

She is right around the 50th percentile in height & length & 30th percentile for her head measurement.  It's hard to imagine that she weights almost 10 lb because newborn clothes still fit loosely on her.  I guess she just has a petite frame.

Despite it all...I LOVE HER & LOVE being a mum.  It was just a bad day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

little traveler

WE DID IT!!  We made it to New England & back in one piece & had a FABULOUS time.

We pulled out of our drive way around 7:45 pm on Tuesday the 27th of September.  We tried to keep Addison's bedtime routine as normal as possible before leaving. Bath (which she LOVES), rocked in the rocking chair listening to Hillsong, read the daily God's promise & a book,  nursed her into a milk coma.  She was OUT like a light so we strapped her into the car seat & hit the road.  She was AMAZING...slept the entire trip except to nurse a couple times.  Go figure we actually stopped more for Philip's potty breaks then Addison.

We pulled into Gram & Puppa's driveway around 10:30 am on Wednesday the 28th.  We were pretty impressed that we made it in about 14 1/2 hours with a 3 1/2 week old, Philip peeing incessantly, pouring rain & NYC/CT traffic.  It was definitely a low key, relaxing day & was so enjoyable to spend with Gram & Puppa by ourselves. The weather was perfect fall New England weather!

The next couple of days were pretty busy & rainy.  Mum came into town & we spent most of our time catching up with family.  Friday we packed everything up & headed to the hotel in Keene, NH where we spent the weekend for Alyson & Aaron's wedding & their festivities.  I was a ball of nerves because it was yet ANOTHER change in environment but once again Addison was a champion little traveler & did just fine.

Unfortunately it rained like CRAZY all weekend & Aly & Aaron had to move their planned outdoor wedding inside.  Despite that, it was still beautiful. Addison was GREAT & looked adorable but SLACKER mum & dad didn't take any pictures.  I KNOW...I have no idea what got into us this trip.

Thankfully the weather cleared up Sunday. We strolled around downtown Keene (it's such a quaint NE town), grabbed some breakfast at an adorable breakfast place & headed  to Aunt Kyle's in Jaffrey.  We spent the afternoon catching up with family & saying our goodbyes. That afternoon we headed back to Gram & Puppa's.

We pulled out of their driveway around 6:15 on Monday evening because Addison was exhausted & conked out at 6 & got back to NC yesterday morning at 8ish.

It was definitely a great experience!  Babies are totally resilient & adaptable if parents are willing to be.

I learned a few things on the trip & Addison hit some developmental milestones while we were gone. I finally figured out that babies cry & that is ok, it doesn't mean something is wrong with them...sometimes they JUST CRY.  Because she is such a wonderful baby, I would get worried when she'd get really fussy & convince myself that something was wrong with her.  I'll blame it on being a nurse in & first time mum. We came up for a name for Addison for when she is fussy...we call it her evil twin MAD-dison.  I definitely found a new sense of independence & feel like I will be able to do so much more with Addison without Philip being around.  She INTENTIONALLY smiles now & she is finding her little voice.  She has the sweetest little coos.  She turned a month while wer were gone...CRAZY!?!

We didn't take many pictures while we were gone but did take a few:

Happy 1 Month Birthday Addison

she has GIGANTIC veins!!

Addison snuggling with her Great Gram

Rehearsal @ the Stone Chapel