it should be no surprise that addison was stubborn today during her ultrasound. i wonder where she gets that from?!?
she is either really shy or wants us to be patient & wait to get a realllllly good glimpse of her when she makes her grand entrance. it's ok because she put on quite a show for us & definitely gave us some good laughs.
thankfully my mum & mother-in-law were at the ultrasound with us to see her silly antics. once again my sweet baby girl was caught with her foot in her mouth. we are all assuming she is going to like a pacifier because she spent an awful lot of time sucking the umbilical cord, her thumb, her toes, etc. for almost 30 minutes she had something in her mouth, lol.
she is head down & has begun migrating into my pelvis. she is still favoring my right side & was nestled up against it the majority of the ultrasound. every ultrasound we've had she's had a hand by her face but today she not only had her hand by her face but she was grasping her lower leg & some how had it up by her head.
i am pretty sure she is practicing yoga inside of me with some of the crazy positions we caught her in today.
she is a little peanut, only measuring in the 34th percentile. she only weighed 3 lbs 3 oz today. the ultrasound tech said not to worry, she is just going to be a tiny baby & estimated that she will probably weigh 6 lbs give or take a few oz. even though she is teeny tiny she still has chubby little cheeks. at one point the position she was in made it looked like she had a double chin. we got 53 photos & 4 movies, here are a few of my favorites:
she has her little mouth open as she was taking her fingers out. the hand is distorted by movement
she was clenching her fist really tight here
she kept sucking in on her bottom lip & squeezing her fist tight like she was frustrated we were poking her
her little feet. it's hard to tell because her hand is distorted but she was grabbing her toes
the only full face glimpse we got that is slightly distorted by movement
she was trying to suck on the umbilical cord here. you can sort of see her tongue
look at the chunky cheeks
sucking her fingers